Being Good Isn't Good Enough: How to Push Your Edge

You’ve done it all … but you still feel stuck and frustrated.

You’re doing it all … but not getting the traction you’re striving for.

You’re following all the rules … but still feel like you’re reinventing the wheel every day.

You’re the absolute best at what you do … but that prowess and expertise isn’t reflected in your current business or brand.


Every entrepreneur must eventually face the fact that although she’s stellar at what she does, she must also learn the craft of business in order to thrive. Being good at your vocation isn’t enough. You also need to get used to marketing/visibility, strategic planning, collaboration, selling your products, programs, and services, delegating tasks, and growing into the next phase of business. Your services are the foundation of your business, but it’s essential that you build upward from that foundation. Tending to a healthy, thriving business requires taking action and that means there will be days when you end up in unfamiliar (and terrifying) territory.

Bottom line: The skills required to do your transformative, helping or healing work are separate from those required to build a profitable business. And both of those skill sets require responsibility and pushing your edge.


I’ve worked with countless clients who’ve eventually entered a mental-emotional space that I’ve dubbed the “growth edge.” When you enter this space, you feel pushed to your capacity and forced to make the choice between comfort and change. You’re stretched thin and frustrated, but also locked into a familiar routine. Step toward the growth edge, and you find yourself thinking, “I want to earn more, build my client list, and create new offerings … but am I ready to take a big boatload of risks in order to accomplish those things?” It can be tempting to just stay put, shirking perilous changes in favor of remaining stagnant but comfortable.

But let’s define comfort, because comfort isn’t always comfortable. Comfort is the expected, the familiar, the well-worn tracks. The expected could be an expected failure, the familiar could be the familiar pain of the feast-or-famine cycle, and those well-worn tracks could be the road to financial ruin. None of those options are preferable (am I right?), but if they reflect a past experience or a set of present beliefs, they are comfortable because they confirm what you know of the world.


Growth, on the other hand, requires leaping into the terrifying expanse of the unexpected, the dark canvas of the unknown, and the new neural pathways that lie beyond the edge of your vulnerability. It means abandoning the perceived safety of sameness and taking a chance on change. It means trusting yourself and being brave and putting yourself out there.


Growth requires change, courage, and commitment.


Business requires the same things.


Pushing your edge isn’t just a best practice—it’s how you live your message of transformation.


Conquer Your Business Goals in 4 Simple Steps


Even non-writers are familiar with the concept of writer’s block; That agonizing, empty-headed feeling of staring at a blank page and believing you’ll never again have a single worthwhile thought to share.

I want to talk about entrepreneur’s block; That dizzying, overwhelming feeling of staring at a meticulously crafted business plan and believing you’ll never, ever in a bajillion years be able to accomplish the tasks outlined therein.

I’ve been there, friends.

Breaking through the block and making headway on business objectives is actually quite simple. Not easy, mind you, but simple.

Implement the following four techniques to achieve your goals.


It can be hard to channel your energy into long-term goals when you’re constantly scrambling to keep up with the day-to-day. But remember that what you focus on expands: When you carve out the time and energy to work toward those long-term goals, you create space for them to grow and progress and thrive. When you don’t, they stagnate. And so do you.

So choose a point of focus for your business — 1 month, 3 months, 9 months, whatever feels like a reasonable time-frame for your specific goal — and prioritize accomplishment. Make space for expansion, and expansion will happen. Right before your eyes.

Dedicate Yourself to Strategic Action

Moving beyond planning and into action is tough for some … but making that transition is so vital, especially for women entrepreneurs. Once you’ve created space, time, and focus around your goals, nudge yourself toward thoughtful, intentional action. Commit to forging ahead, find ways to make steady progress, and be mindful but agile. If you get sucked into the doubts, the fears, the procrastination, and the overwhelm, seek support. Join the Kula, my Free Coaching Community. Remember, action needn’t be huge. Action can mean ...

Small Wins Every Day

“Slow and steady wins the race” has got to be the least sexy business cliche in the universe. But it’s true. Anyone who looks like an “overnight success” from the outside has undoubtedly put in a decade of blood, sweat, and tears backstage, out of sight, while the world was distracted by other shiny things. Small actions taken daily matter more than frenzied action that leads to burnout. Figure out what small wins you can maintain on the regular, and make them a part of your schedule. I mean it. Put small actions that move you toward huge goals on your calendar. Make them a priority, and do them every day. (I identify my top 3 tasks for the day the night / day before and that’s where I begin first thing).

@@ Put small actions that move you toward huge goals on your calendar. Make them a priority, and do them every day. #growthcatalyst@@

Stay the Course

Distraction kills goals, especially big, bold, far-reaching ones. And again, I totally get that putting out tiny, daily fires keeps your business from burning to a crisp. But when you eliminate distractions and stamp out overwhelm, you prime yourself for success. Doing so can mean delegation, prioritization of tasks, creating a goal-driven daily schedule, or limiting your social media time. (You can watch tiny hamsters eating tiny burritos after the day’s work tasks are complete. And you should. Because they’re hilarious.) Find personalized, effective, sustainable ways to stay the course.

Love these concepts, but need some real-time support? You’re in luck! Join the Kula.

Your Recipe for Entrepreneurial Success: Action + Accountability

Tell me if this sounds familiar: An idea sparks in your mind, your passion ignites, and you spend hours, weeks, even months planning how you’ll transform it into a reality. But when the time comes to take the big leap, you falter. Mired in details and fearing failure, you head back to the drawing board and re-immerse yourself in dreaming and planning.

No? How about this: “Action” is your middle name, which means you’re constantly scrambling to keep up with your mile-long to-do list. As you buzz from client to client, meeting to meeting, you realize you should dedicate some time to working on your larger goals and planning for the future of your business … but your calendar beckons, and off you run.

These two cycles are simultaneously the same and polar opposites. Endless Planner is avoiding action and Overwhelmed Do-er is immersed in action … but both are engaging in cycles that subtly sabotage their endeavors. Both need goal clarification and goal support, and both could use some help moving themselves toward goal achievement.

If these Endless Planner and Overwhelmed Do-er are ever going to move beyond their self-erected roadblocks, they’ve gotta embrace two of the biggest growth-drivers in business: Action and accountability. Think you might need a little of both in your own work life? Let’s talk about how to get there.

Intentional Action Centers Us

Now, before we discuss the rewards of bold, decisive action, let’s take a knee to talk intention. Because plunging into doing without first contemplating can lead to 15 kinds of disaster. Intention before action keeps us centered in the Why, the huge, soul-centric reasons we do what we do as entrepreneurs. When we tap into the power of that mission-driven motivation, it keeps us on track when we face challenges or consider giving up. It also keeps us from acting for the sake of acting without considering how our choices might impact larger goals.

So yes, I’m urging you toward action. But with a gentle reminder that intention is an essential warm-up activity before a marathon of momentous activity.

Action itself? SO essential for entrepreneurs, especially women in business. It can be tempting to stall out in that place of intention—just keep planning endlessly and dreaming wistfully—but forging ahead is vital. Intention should become the sword of discernment that slices through ineffective or unproductive action, and separates it out from truly potent and progressive action. Moving from thinking to doing can seem like taking a flying leap, and that can be scary. Force it to feel more like a step than a leap by ramping up, tackling small bite-sized tasks first before throwing yourself into the massive ones, and the process will be less daunting.

And if you get sucked into the doubts, the fears, the procrastination, and the overwhelm, you must find a way to get support. Promise me you will, OK? (And if you’re not sure how, stick with me and I’ll tell you!)


Now let’s talk accountability.

Mindful Accountability Keeps Us On Track

We healers, helpers, and heart-centered entrepreneurs are a contradictory bunch. We often get so focused on healing and helping as many people as possible, that we burn ourselves out, drown in overwhelm, and avoid taking essential steps to grow our business footprints. We heal and help until we’ve got nothing left to give. And then we collapse into groaning heaps and wonder what the hell went wrong.

Lack of accountability is what went wrong. And I don’t mean accountability to clients or team members. I mean accountability to ourselves and to our businesses.

Putting the needs of others first in all cases, avoiding achievement because of fear of success, subtle self-sabotage, endless procrastination, weak or poor boundaries, and shiny-object syndrome all screw us over in the end. Because in the end, we’re tapped out and useless. And again, this is especially true for women entrepreneurs since we’re culturally conditioned to see ourselves as givers and caretakers, and fall so easily into the trap of zero accountability.

Accountability keeps us on track, hyper-focused on the goals and actions that will catalyze business success. Accountability protects us from burnout and over-extension. Accountability helps us build healthy, thriving, efficient business models that are truly sustainable.

So think long and hard about what is truly necessary to keep your practice going. Can you cut two tasks from each day? Add a chunk of time each week for outreach, marketing, and brainstorming? What do YOU need to do to change your tendency toward endless, draining activity?

You are NOT alone

I bet all of this sounds totally possible and completely fabulous … in theory. But putting it into practice might feel more challenging. So here’s your friendly nudge toward the Kula, a phenomenally friendly Facebook group where community support is the name of the game! Embracing action and establishing accountability can be a million times easier when tackled with open, supportive, knowledgeable colleagues.

Won’t you join us? We can help you get “straight A’s” in business without pulling ANY all-nighters. Scout’s honor.

Join us!

Why a Flexible, Personal, Long-term Strategy Will Help Your Business Thrive

Flexible Business Strategy helpS your Coaching, Healing, Helping or Conscious Business Thrive

Let’s be honest: most Coaches, Helpers and Healers aren’t wild about the business-y aspects of entrepreneurship.

Spending your energy on marketing, networking, and concocting promotional strategies makes you feel forced and false.

Self-promotion leaves you feeling smarmy and disconnected from the true purpose of your work:

Using your gifts to ease pain, to increase efficacy, to reduce suffering, or to encourage clients along their personal journeys …. these are the tasks that resonate with us.

If you’ve ever asked yourself:

“Can’t my ‘business strategy’ simply be to help as many people as possible?”

Then, I’m speaking directly to you, dear. (And yes, it absolutely can!)

But if you don’t reach the right people or your messages fail to capture their attention, you can’t help them. No matter how much you might want to.

Your business that exists to solve problems.

Those problems are specific, and a specific group of people grapple with them. They’re googling solutions to those problems late at night when they can’t sleep. They’re buying services and products right now to help them with those problems.

When you promote your classes, products, and offerings to the very people who need them most, you’re actually doing them a tremendous service.

You’re not a plaid-suited car salesman shouting through a megaphone! 

You, my dear, are a passion-fueled entrepreneur with unique and valuable skills who thrives on making other people’s lives richer and fuller.  

To continue enriching lives in a sustainable, long-term, effective way, you need to strategize. Doing good work and hoping the right clients will “find” you simply isn’t enough.

Luckily, I’m here to tell you that building a business strategy can feel creative and rewarding, even fun. No, really! Here’s how.

Make it personal

Sure, some business tactics work universally:

Never over-promise.

The customer is always right.

If you don’t have a web presence 90% of the world won’t believe that you actually exist

These are general business truths these days.

But that’s where the general one-size-fits-all business approach to planning ends.

It doesn't work in most cases, and it certainly won’t lead to exponential growth and phenomenal prosperity for your unique, one-of-a-kind, unicorn business. 

Your business is unique, which means you need to build a perfect-for-you strategy to help it thrive. Discover your own brand of brilliance and use it to fuel your business growth.

Whatever you do, chances are someone else does it, too. And although that may worry you, it’s actually, a very, very good thing because it means there is demand for your classes or skills or products.

To ensure your offerings rise above and reach their intended audience, making your promotions truly personal and bringing your Ideal Clients to your doorstep, tap your Unique Magic.

Your Unique Magic is where your talents, strengths, and skills overlap.

It’s a core skill set that carries through your life like a connective thread, a combination of native strengths, signature skills, and the values and views that drive you. Focusing your business strategy on your Unique Magic attracts perfect-fit customers and clients who recognize, engage and connect with you. It will enable you to differentiate yourself in the market, leverage opportunities for more success, and ensure you are fulfilling your purpose-driven work in the world. Identifying and leveraging the ways in which your Unique Magic makes you truly unique is the path to more meaning and more profit in your business.

And just how do you funnel your Unique Magic into marketing messages, carefully honed offerings, and community engagement that converge into an effective strategy for your business?

Focus on your niche

As a holistic entrepreneur—a yogi, healer, helper, coach, or wellness guru—you have a specific set of talents, skills and experience to share. You likely have services, products and helpful content related to what you offer. But there are LOTS of other [insert what you do] out there in the world, and differentiating yourself in the sea of other [insert what they do], is how you attract more soon-to-be clients to your business (not theirs). Differentiating yourself and defining your target market both help you figure out your place within the industry. Whether you’re a coach, a multi-passionate creative, a massage therapist, or a yoga teacher, chances are there are hundreds (thousands!) of other practitioners out there doing what you do. How do you stand apart from the crowd and effortlessly attract perfect-for-you clients?

Discover, then refine, your niche.

Niching asks the question, “How can I package my purpose, passions, innate strengths, and world-changing ideas into a platform that my Ideal Clients will recognize, identify with, and seek out?”

Part of discovering your niche is uncovering your particular combination of purpose, passion and strengths. When you embrace all of the above—taking your life as your path and your story as a compass—you can easily identify the perfect niche.

Another crucial element of your niche is what people are willing pay you for in the current financial climate. You may be the world’s leading expert in restoring antique clarinets, but if no one is in the market for a clarinet restoration, you will go hungry.

Finally, your niche must address a need in the world and be a reflection of your purpose.  Like the example above, if the world has no need for your particular skill set—and it doesn’t light you up inside!—you won’t be able to earn a living. Nor will you be excited about growing your business.

Be flexible

Creating a business strategy is a very mindful, forward-looking, concrete activity, and that can make it feel daunting and immovable. But effective business strategies are NEVER set in stone. Planning the future of your business and how to help it grow should be a flexible, organic process to channel growth. Having a strategy in place is essential for long term success, but that doesn’t mean you must map out every minute step, chart every possible outcome, and refuse to diverge from a rigid set of self-imposed rules. Your business priorities will change, your client’s priorities will change, YOU will change. And if you can’t bend in the breeze and accommodate those shifts, you’ll break.

Focus on creating a personalized strategy, make the most of your niche, and strive to connect with and help your Ideal Clients. But remember that being agile and flexible will only help you. Build a solid strategy, then allow yourself to reexamine and reevaluate it as time goes on.

People like us—heart-centered healers, helpers and creatives—have good work to do in this world. The work that we do is important and needs to be shared. We must do this work because we see the need, we see how we can help, and we step up. But we also need to earn a living…otherwise, we can’t continue to share and serve.

By building a flexible, personal, long-term strategy for your unique business, you ensure that more and more people can benefit from your precious and much-needed gifts.

And since I love to propose solutions, head over here to check out the Holistic Business Blueprint —a step-by-step guide to creating your very own flexible, personal, long-term strategy for your conscious business.

Defining Your Niche as a Business Strategy

Defining your niche is a business strategy.

What is a niche exactly?

The word niche is a French word meaning “place” or “alcove,” and in marketing, your niche is a strategic position you take in business that allows people to immediately identify how you can serve them and why you are the perfect person to do so.

Many of us feel trapped by the idea of narrowing down our offerings and services to one particular area. I can empathize! As a multi-passionate idea-centric entrepreneur, I know how hard it is to decide on WHAT you want to do in your business: you’re constantly being pulled in a million directions by the Idea Factory called your brain. However, this step—just like finding your Ideal Client—is crucial to your professional success as a conscious entrepreneur.

Because once you know WHO you want to serve, you have to discover HOW you can best serve them. This involves looking at WHAT you—uniquely—have to offer your community and customers. The exciting thing about niching is that it helps the perfect-for-you clients immediately identify YOU as the perfect-for-them transformational service provider or conscious business.

In the beginning, niching is mostly about YOU and what it is that you bring to the marketplace.

Are you ready to find your niche?

Take some time with the questions below: the answers are the first step to discovering your niche.

  • What do you love to do, that people already (or may in the future) pay you for?

  • What unique experiences, skills and talents do have to share with the world?

  • Who do you love to work with?

  • What do they need?

  • Who seeks you out but isn’t someone who you feel you can truly help?

  • How do you work best? (Alone, in a group, as a guide, providing one-on-one support, as an educator)

  • Is there an unspoken need in your industry that your experience, talents, and skills can fill?

That last question is particularly important because it forces you to hone in on what differentiates you from your peers. 

In the age of instant connection and information saturation, standing out from the crowd is a strategy for capturing your Ideal Client’s attention.

People (including your potential customers) are weary of bland, watered-down, copycat, or sugar-coated businesses and brands. Now more than ever, people want to connect—they want authenticity, integrity, and originality. They want unicorns.

Good thing YOU are a unicorn.

Let me explain:

Whether you’re selling transformative yoga sessions, integrative psychotherapy, wellness coaching or chakra alignment sessions, there’s a deeper reason behind your business. Sure, on the surface, you are providing [insert the obvious thing you’re providing], but why you’re really providing that is much deeper. How you do that is different than everyone else, too.

That deeper reason (your why) paired with your unique magic (your how) is what clients are really paying you for.

Avoid copycats and cookie-cutter formulas by being the unique unicorn you already are!

Take some time to think and write about your niche. Start with bullet points that pinpoint what you do and how you’re doing it differently. Then try to create a rough mission statement.

Here are some examples:

“I am deeply empathetic Reiki healer who specializes in treating reproductive disorders and personal trauma in young to middle-aged women.”

“My work as an acupuncturist focuses on helping older clients with severe or rheumatoid arthritis regain mobility in their arms, hands, legs, and feet.”

“Through targeted sessions and ongoing consultations, I use my Feng Shui expertise to unblock trapped energy in the offices of small- and medium-sized business client offices.”

Now you! As you write, try to capture the generalities of your business but also how you deliver your services, who benefits most from them, and how.

Once you have this information, it should inform all of your marketing efforts, influence how you speak about your business, and inform the direction of your overall business strategy.

Excited to focus more intently on your niche, but longing for a bit more structure and guidance?

Join us for the Holistic Business Blueprint —a step-by-step guide to creating your very own flexible, personal, long-term strategy for your conscious business, or work with me for customized strategy.


Kellie Adkins, Holistic Business Coach + Yoga Therapist

Offer Real Solutions for More Clients in your Coaching, Healing, or Helping Practice

client attraction stratgies

Offer Real solutions for more clients in your coaching, healing, or helping practice

For more clients in your coaching, healing or helping practice, speak directly to the problems your services solve.

Framing your offers, packages, programs, and services, as solutions to specific problems your ideal clients have allows them to identify your offers as the right fit (or not) for them.

Ethical client attraction strategies such as these allow you as the transformational service provider to remain in your strengths zone—and most importantly, to avoid marketing tactics that make you feel sleazy.

Are you clear on the solutions your valuable coaching ,healing or helping services provide your ideal client?

This clarity starts with understanding the precise solutions each of your offers provide—and the particular problems they address.

Who has these problems?

How do you solve them differently, better than, faster than, or more uniquely than your competitors?

When you know who you’d like to work with, and you know how your services (or products) stand out in the marketplace, you’re ready to develop your solution-based marketing messaging.

How do you frame your services as an ideal solution?

Start by asking how do your skills, services, and products naturally address those needs and wants? How does what you do and how you do it become a solution to a problem that your Ideal Client already has?

Provide a transformation experience

Know where your ideal clients are before they work with you…and where they will be after your work together. Then frame your services in terms of that transformation.

Tell them the story of how your offerings fill an important and specific need in their lives.

Show them who they’ll be after they’ve worked with you. 

Then the act of “selling” simply becomes connecting the dots between what your ideal clients need and what you offer: in an ethical way.

When you focus on value, address a key problem, and demonstrate that you are the person to provide that solution, then it’s merely a matter of figuring out details.

Know What It Takes

Be wary of making unsupported claims or offering specific outcomes when a range of results is possible. Doing so will help you remain in integrity, AND avoid disappointing your customers.

Compose client invitation letters and sales letters ensure you are clear and concise about expected results should they choose to work with you.

A huge part of avoiding the over-promise/under-deliver trap? Understanding what goes into creating a certain outcome.

Don’t create or offer a service that will drain, tax, or overwhelm you … even if you know it’s exactly what certain clients need. Different clients will have other problems that you can solve more easily and elegantly.

Say you’re a yoga instructor who wants to busy professionals who can’t make time for open classes. Offering in-home or in-office one-on-one yoga is one solution BUT be creating that service will mean more intensive scheduling, more commute time, and more intense focus on one client at a time instead of a room full of paying students. If that isn’t your strenght, it isn’t worth it.

Stay in your strengths zone

There are loads of ways to solve your ideal client’s problem.

What’s the best way? The way you do it best!

If you don’t LOVE group coaching / e-courses / live trainings [ insert any “normal” way to provide your transformative work ] then don’t do it.

Break out of the box and provide a solution that suits your strengths.

If group programs drain you, skip it and offer on-demand training instead.

Being an innovator is a strength! Lean in.

If everyone in your industry is offering Retreats but the thought of leading one gives you hives….forget it!

Find a way to do business your way.

That’s the only way it’ll be sustainable long term.

When you find that sweet spot where your gifts and your clients’ unsolved problems overlap, you’ll be amazed by how synchronous your business life will become.

Business as Problem-Solving

How Do You Serve Your Clients?

Have you exchanged your own hard-earned cash for services or products within the past week? Of course you have. Shopping and buying are near-daily activities for many of us, and we consume everything from yoga classes to smoothies, taxi rides to school supplies. Much of the spending we do is moderately mindless, but if we force ourselves to stop and think a moment we can typically divide our purchases into “needs” and “wants”: I need to buy spiral notebooks and number two pencils or my daughter will start the new school year empty-handed. I want a smoothie because it’s 487 degrees outside and I think my brain is slowly liquefying.

But as an entrepreneur, focusing on needs and wants won’t get you nearly as far with potential customers as focusing on problem-solving.

@@As an entrepreneur, focusing on needs and wants won’t get you nearly as far with potential customers as focusing on problem-solving.@@

Every successful business solves a problem for a specific type of person, and consumers are drawn to services they believe will make their lives easier or better. And when you conceptualize business as problem-solving it allows you re-frame the idea of selling your services. If you solve problems for people, telling them about your problem-solving prowess is a service. You’re not selling, you’re helping!

But before you can help, you need to identify the problem YOU solve as a service provider.

What’s YOUR Problem?

Naturally, you don’t want to lean on the idea of your customer or client as a hot mess of problems that need immediate service-based triage. But you do need to determine:

  1. Who your Ideal Client IS

  2. Which problems they most long to solve

  3. And how you can solve them in unique, efficient, or innovative ways

Need help finding your dream customer? Start right here. Not sure how to connect with them?I’ve got loads of tips for you! Wondering about those key problems that need solving? Let’s dig into that together. Ask yourself:

What do your Ideal Clients need and want? All humans want to be happier, healthier, wealthier, and wiser. But what else does your perfect-fit client want? Think of core desired feelings, wishes, and dreams. Muse on lifestyle choices, career goals, and favorite hang-outs.

What general problems plague them? (Fatigue, joint pain, lack of focus.) What specific problems plague them? (Too tired to socialize, too sore to play with their grandchildren, too distracted during important meetings.) Sussing out the general problems will get you in the ballpark, but try to tease out a few specific issues, too.

@@What problems are your clients facing that they’re motivated to solve?@@

That last one’s a doozy, but absolutely key. Because there’s a HUGE rift between problems people are willing to endlessly ignore and problems so important/far-reaching/onerous that they merit investment of resources.

Problems Worth Solving

The only problems your Ideal Clients are gonna throw money at are the ones they feel naturally driven to solve. What’s that you say? Won’t your uber-enlightened, extra-savvy Ideal Clients be keen to solve ALL of their problems, especially if you find creative ways to point them out? Heck no. Let’s rank ‘em:

Problems the customer doesn’t see: We’ve all got a few of these, and I’m not just talking about tartar on your teeth. (Totally invisible, yet takes FOREVER for the hygenist to scrape off. Ick!) Your Ideal Clients may be aware of a surface problem but fail to see the underlying issue. Alternatively, they may not see any problems at all. Nudging customers to solve these problems can backfire.

Here’s an example: Dove came out with a women’s deodorant a few years back that was meant to combat “unsightly underarms.” Most women, myself included, had never given a thought to how repellent our underarms were. This product purported to solve a problem I didn’t know I had. Did I buy it? Nope. Just kinda hated Dove for making me self-conscious about my pits.

Problems the customer is aware of, but ignoring: In these cases you’ll be battling an Ideal Client’s tendency toward inertia or inaction. This type of problem is often one that feels too large or risky to attempt resolving. People feel frozen and unable to change or address the situation so they stick their heads in the sand, avoid taking action, or launch into non-strategic action without intention.

An issue that a customer is actively ignoring is not one that you can help solve.

@@Until the customer is ready, nothing will change.@@

Problems the customer is aware of and is attempting to manage: Keyword: “Attempting.” In these cases, customers think they can take the same action over and over, but achieve different results. They’re unwilling to admit that the way they’ve been doing it isn’t working. Think physical therapy that fails to keep pain at bay. Or turning up the car radio to drown out a busted muffler.

In these cases, too, the customer needs to choose change.

Problems the customer is aware of and is actively seeking to solve: THESE are the issues you want to understand and solve on behalf of your clients. This type of problem has the customer motivated to invest resources (time, energy, money) into lasting solutions. And if you can be part of that solution, it can result in massive traction for your business.

Identifying these higher order problems for the specific clients you serve, and solving them with excellent service and quality products will help you carve out a powerful niche for yourself.

Create the BEST value package - follow these simple steps!

Regardless of how long you’ve worked in the healing and helping arts, at some point, you will hit a wall.

The kind of wall that slams you in the face when you realize you’ve got yourself in a bit of a pickle and can’t earn any more money as you are fully booked doing one-on-one sessions. You have maxed out your work hours and against your better judgment have started booking clients into family time. No more time to trade for dollars!

If this is you then – congratulations!

Why you may ask? Well for one thing it shows me that you are in hot demand because your magic is being recognized by your tribe AND you are absolutely ready to start offering you’re A Grade clients an upgrade.

A chance for these particular clients to have an even better and more valuable experience with you —in a premium, package offering.

It is absolutely EXCITING to create a package that is filled to the brim with value for this perfect-fit client AND that allows you to leverage your time, energy and experience in new ways.

So why wait until you’re choking on the energy of your client’s needs?

Why not begin now by structuring your business to include a natural next step for the client ready to for more growth, healing and transformation?

When you consider the value you are able to deliver to a particular client —one who is ready for big change, big goals, or deep healing — crafting a sure-to-amaze package they can easily say yes to becomes a joy. Because exchanging their investment for a set of values and results (rather than the time you spend with them) is a win-win for both of you.

To begin, ask: what can I bring into my client’s world that will help them on their journey (that doesn’t necessarily equate to hand-holding, time-for-dollars energy exchange)?

From eCourses, Books, Podcasts, Community Access, digital programs, and collaborative offers from sister businesses and more – there are many ways you can build value into your package (and with each additional feature increases their investment) that doesn’t take you any more time or energy to deliver. In fact, more often than not it actually forces you to create a better product that defines you in the market, sets you apart from similar service providers and supports your clients who like to learn in different ways.

What if we take it up a notch?

Think about the actual time you spend with each client one on one that take up a package – it might only be an hour a week, BUT what if you could leverage that time and support 4 clients during the hour in a focused group experience? You could spend that time answering common questions, offering group guidance and delivering valuable wisdom to benefit the group.

The beauty of an offer like this is that it only takes one hour of your own personal time to support 4 (or more) amazing clients. It’s also a smart way of boosting your income and your impact while still staying true to your own values of transforming your client’s lives.

Now before I lose you completely, let me assure you that one-to-one support is always a great idea! In fact, it’s one of the most effective ways to expand your influence and your income when you’re first starting out or when you are in the growth phase —especially if you focus on results-oriented individual packages that provide a high level of support. You and I both know that most people get the most results and traction when they have you guiding them personally. However, that premium one-to-one offer should be your most valuable product with a corresponding investment. It takes the most energy from you so should have the biggest monetary energy exchange.

Regardless of where you are in your journey, are you ready to give more, earn more, working less hours so you can concentrate on creating more magic?



Accountability sells.

The power of accountability is undeniable.  Psychologists use it. Universities use it. Large organizations use it.

So now the real question is, are you using accountability to grow your business?

As far as I see it, there are two types of accountability—personal accountability and peer accountability. When you're a consciousprenurial spirit like yourself, you need both.

Personality accountability is your own sense of responsibility.

Successful entrepreneurs don't just own a business, they actually Own It. The success of your business doesn't depend on the wholesale supplier, the summertime slump or the new-years-resolution crowd.

The success of your business depends on your strategy and your actions.

If you truly believe this deep down in your core, you already have a strong foundation for your business success.

But don't get too excited, there's more.

Peer accountability is where things get challenging. As entrepreneurs, we are so guilty of creating this little bubble for ourselves. I myself am guilty of not seeing daylight for days on end. Projects, launches, client calls...who has time for a community?

@@Truth is, your business can't succeed without community. @kellie_adkins  #consciousbusiness @@

Community promotes growth by holding you accountable. If you've read a single book or article on goal setting, you've read about the power of writing things down. There are entire books dedicated to preaching the gospel of putting your goals in ink as a path to achieving them.

But a list of goals in your diary pales in comparison to telling your kula that you're going to launch your next program by January 20th, 2015.

I am all for stress reduction in life–I am, after all, a yoga therapist. But, we get by with a little pressure from our friends. (That is how that one goes, right?)

I've been an entrepreneur for over a decade. I have read every goal-setting book out there. I have prayed and meditated on business success.

I've written more Dear Diary letters about my business dreams than I care to admit. But nothing is as powerful as telling a group of like-minded people what you want to accomplish.

Well, that may not be entirely true.

The only thing more powerful than telling them, is them being there to support you, share their knowledge and check in with you regularly.

But it's not easy to find these people.

It's challenging enough to make regular friends once you graduate from college. (Why do you think I went back to college? Ok, that's maybe only part of the reason.) But finding friends who have chosen the uncharted path of consciouspreneurship? It can feel impossible.

It's taken me most of my career to create a network of women who are determined to be wildly successful at doing amazing work in the world.

But I found them.

And now I'm inviting you all together so that we can hold each other accountable. But I couldn't stop there. (I mean, have you ever known me to be the type to invite you over just for appetizers? I think not!)

I want to support all of you— I want to give you all of the resources that I've spent time creating over the last several years. And I want to give you information on the topics that are of most importance to you—the topics that are going to help you get shit done.

So what exactly am I calling this secret society of conscious entrepreneurs committed to whole health, mindful wealth + balanced business?

Conscious Entrepreneurs (kula).

If you're ready for the accountability necessary to grow your business mindfully, just click on over here.

Self Care is a Business Strategy

Self-care is a strategy for business success

As a healer or helper, you hold the space for healing and transformation on a daily basis.

The energy of holding that space takes a toll.

If you aren't filling your own self-care tank, overwhelm takes its toll and burnout is sure to follow.

On top of providing the space for your healing work, you also have the business-side of things to manage.

Managing your coaching, healing, or helping business requires strategic planning, quarterly assessments, monthly targets, and weekly maintenance tasks to keep business operations running smoothly.

It’s a heavy energetic load...especially if you are high on the sensitivity scale.

My best advice?

Sacred energy management: for you and for your business. Energy management is learning to manage your energy at all levels, including the energy of your business.

Sounds simple enough, until you start to seek that balance.

Balancing your time, business activity and finances is a juggling act, especially when paired with your actual healing or helping work. But there are a few simple remembrances that can help to keep you in the flow.

Put yourself first —because without you, there's no business.

This means time for precious self-care is non-negotiable. Committing to your restorative practices shows commitment to your business's success. Nourishment and rejuvenation are essential.

Go ahead, eat something nourishing.

Or put your feet up. Take a savasana. Your business (and your ever-expanding to-do list) will be there in 10 minutes. And the more you nourish yourself, the better off your business will be.

Practice a Restorative yoga sequence for a treat at the end of your day or to unwind before bed.

Make friends with your finances

In order to "make it" in business, you must focus on earning a profit. More income, and / or fewer expenses are requirements for your business to earn a profit —and to remain in a positive energy balance. If you're close to overwhelm (or burned out —again), then it's time to heal some energy leaks. If you're in a service-based profession, time is money, so let's start with what hurts: money. If your current financial situation is dire, take a look around at the places money energy is “leaking out” —maybe it’s your billable or non-billable hours — and stop the leaks! Then decide how much money you ACTUALLY do need to remain in financial ease .

Once you know that, it’s easier to….

Guard your time

Your time is sacred, precious and finite —use it effectively by truly staying focused on the services, offerings, tasks, hobbies and causes that light your heart fire.

Anyone who has time to bingewatch [insert your favorite series] on Netflix has time to build a sustainable business.

Seriously, though, get strategic about how you are using your time —in business and in life.

Could you sacrifice that weekly energy drain and use the time you save to develop a higher value service: like an online program or signature workshop series? Absolutely.

Could you give up one night of Netflix every week to spend a couple hours working on that book?  Sure.

The thing is that you do really have the time: it's a matter of shifting the focus to the tasks and goals that will leverage your business success. But if you burn through productive hours or busy-busy weeks without a measure of thoughtfulness, you will continue to end up frustrated, overworked, and overwhelmed.

Building a sustainable business is a supreme act of self-care because it allows you to be mindful and attentive to where you spend your vital energy. It allows you to manage energy at all levels: subtle, financial and physical.

With a few simple shifts in your business and self-care practices you will find a path to prosperity —that allows you to take precious care of you. Want some guidance?

Selfcare for coaches

Kiss Burnout—and Overwhelm —— Goodbye

This month I'm participating in a speaker series called Kiss Burnout Goodbye—a 21 Day Global Virtual Retreat for Service Oriented Professionals.

I went back and forth on whether it would burn me out to expend the time and energy to participate (and promote!) this series. And I finally settled on YES.

Even though there are a thousand to do's on my list and a million ideas in my head, I chose to create time to talk about kissing burnout goodbye.

I did it for you! Because I want you—and all of our kula—to know that you can live out your passions profitably and without feeling overwhelmed. BUT, it does take some effort.

I've often talked and written about the state overwhelm that entrepreneurs—and even more so conscious entrepreneurs—inevitably find themselves in.

It's not just about the tremendous amount of pressure that we put on ourselves. Or the budget constraints that force us to wear all hats. It's also about the laundry that has to get done and the family that has to get fed.

@@ The entrepreneurial spirit is fierce, because it has to be!@@

I am REALLY serious about avoiding burnout and overwhelm. Some people believe that it comes with the territory. But I believe that we can learn from the lessons of conscious entrepreneurs who came before us. (Read: Don't make the mistakes I made, because I'm literally telling you how to avoid them.)

@@Overwhelm IS, in fact, Avoidable.@@

In fact, I've been telling you how to avoid it, all along!

Check out these archives for tips for you to start pulling yourself out of overwhelm and into something more vibrant.

  • Set effective goals so that you know where you're heading and you won't be distracted by those pesky distractions that lead to overwhelm.
  • Own your weaknesses! This allows us to seek help where we know we need it
  • Create Systems. That help that we know we need—because we own our weaknesses—won't need to be micromanaged, if their actions are detailed out for them.

And don't forget to join the Kula—because we have to stick together...for the sake of support and sanity.

Want to do Meaningful Work? Own your Weaknesses.

"Focus on the positive," they say.

"You're so talented," they say.

"Hone your strengths," they say.

"You're flawed. Own it," said no one ever.

Until now.

We can fuel our HeartFire and incite action that will change the world, but even the most talented among us—the women that make you think "how does she do it all," will tell you that they don't do it all. (Assuming that they are authentic and human.) They own the light of their Goddess Gifts, but they also own their dark side.

You have a dark side, too. You're flawed. Imperfect. A Shadow hangs over you. Actually, a shadow lies within and around you. Sometimes it's even out in front.

I still love you and I want you to own your weaknesses. Be just as open about them as you are about your gifts because you can't be a light for others without first shining the light of inquiry on yourself.

There's another very good reason to get seriously honest. When you snuggle up to your shadow, it loses the power to captivate, distract or otherwise sabotage you. Knowing your mental defaults - the well-worn grooves in your thinking - is how you begin to unwind shadow's capacity to captivate.

(If you're thinking you don't have a shadow side, then you have even more inner work to do than the rest of us, so sit tight and keep reading.)

Are you...


I know, it's not really a word: but you know what I mean, don't you? Are you letting the endless To-Do's and task lists keep you a slave to achievement? Are you spinning your wheels trying to accomplish 20 different things in a single day? Are you feeling ungrounded, overwhelmed and unfocused?

Never satisfied?

You could solve world hunger today, but tomorrow you start at zero all over again. You're either trying to beat yesterday's accomplishments or trying to compensate for a lack thereof.


You haven't started designing/planning/selling because

The World Cup only happens every 4 years, you might as well watch.

Orange is the New Black

The phone rings, the baby cries and your Facebook feed beckons.


Somebody already took your idea, you'll never be as good / pretty / wise as [insert your personal Shero] so why try?

You're too busy to do your creative work, it's too hot and you'retoo tired.

Any of these sound like you?

You may be feeling a little guilty at this point.

Let's not wallow in guilt.

After all, wallowing in your weaknesses isn't helpful.

May I suggest that you just own them?

Society has taught us to hide our flaws. Skin breaking out? "Slather it in concealer, cover that in foundation and top it off with powder" says the world. BUT, you and I both know, it's only when you let that sweet face get some oxygen and free it from that chemical funk, that the skin starts to heal. Beautiful skin comes from the inside and so does a beautiful, prosperous life.

You almost forgot we were talking about your real flaws (didn't you?)—not the ones we can cover up with makeup, but rather the ones that are preventing you from doing your best work in the world.

The only way to stop sweeping things under the rug is to get rid of the rug. Here's how you start:

: Be honest with yourself

If you struggle with procrastination (for example), ask:

How effectively are you using your time?

How rigid are you with your schedule?

Is that schedule working?

How often are you getting distracted?

What is distracting you from the work that is important?

: Return to the Present Moment.

When you find your thoughts have wandered far far away from the task at hand, evaluate. Stop strengthening the distraction habit, too, by doing one. thing. only. No more checking Facebook in the car line, talking on the phone in the grocery store, eating and reading.

One. Thing. Only.

Then, ask yourself:

Does what you are doing support your long-term, purpose-driven Life Vision?

If it does, than get back to it. If it doesn't, why you are making time for it in your life? Are you getting distracted because the tasks that you're filling your day don't align with the future you want to create for yourself? Stop wasting your time.

Yes, getting back to work is important. But getting back to the right type of work is much more valuable.

: Plan & Incentivize

There are planners and there is everyone else. And even the planners have their flaws. I can fill an 18 month calendar with beautifully patterned washi tape. I know when I start, where my mid point is and when I end every project for the next 5 years. But, even the most prepared, have their moments.

Keep yourself focused with little celebrations for your accomplishments. Live each day as close to your Ideal Day as possible while intentionally acting on the small steps needed to bring you closer to your future dreams. Keep your eye on the prize, but don't lose your intention along the way.

Enough about flaws for now (you're not off the hook though), let's celebrate your gifts. Hop over to the Kula and share - we want to celebrate you!


Is Passion Enough?

Around these parts, I talk quite a bit about building a business guided by your passions. My own passions guide all my business endeavors, so I’ve got room to talk.

But here’s a little not-so-secret: you shouldn’t start a business just because you’re passionate.

Maybe it’s surprising to read that, especially from me.

Notice the loophole?

You shouldn’t start a business JUST on your passions.

Which begs the question above: is passion really enough?

Passion is the fire energy, the driving force, the heartfire in your business. The fire of passion burns bright and strong. But passion is not enough.

Like it’s kissing cousin Desire, Passion eventually cools.

That’s the nature of time and transformation. All things pass …and fire expedites the transformation process.

In order to keep the flame of your passion alive in business, you need to get used to hard work (over a long time, without wavering).

True, the work will be enjoyable, rewarding and ultimately more fulfilling than most standard 9-to-5’s, but let’s be clear: it’s still work.

The entrepreneurial life involves a deep dedication to learning the tools of the trade. Not YOUR trade: the trade of business.

If you’re a conscious creative type with big dreams and a desire to do meaningful work in the world, the cold hard reality of business know-how is daunting.

Then you have the day-to-day operations. Now you are not only a passionate creative / artist / healer / helper, you are a business owner! Congratulations on your new (business) baby!

This is a wake-up call …even if you’re a seasoned business owner.

Let’s call on our friend, Curiosity, shall we? As the mother of Creativity, Curiosity invites us to remain open, playful and inquisitive. Curiosity keeps you asking the questions you need to answer in order to be successful in business.

Curiosity + Passion are still not enough.

You need to develop the drive to keep going and the will to do what must be done. Self-discipline gets us to do the not-so-fun things in our business: like systems, launching, strategy, vision and planning. All of these tasks are fundamental to the long-term success in your business. If you aren't willing (or able) to streamline and strategize, your passion-fueled business will fail.

The very good news is that the extreme form of self-discipline, grit, is easier for those of us in the passion-and purpose-centered community to develop. Grit is “the combination of very high persistence and very high passion for an objective.” (Seligman, Martin P. Fluorish: A Visionary New Understanding of Happiness and Well-being, p. 118)

While passion isn’t enough, you can combine the high passion for your meaningful work with a lion’s share of persistence to get grittier.

For the intentional entrepreneur, grit is self-discipline for the greater good. You have amazing work to do the world: creative, healing, empowering work.

Amp up the grit— in your service-centered business— for the greater good.

Take the grit test!

There's a final element that must be aligned for passion-fueled business success: Purpose.

If your passion-fueled business is misaligned with your purpose, it's time to start shifting that NOW. Your path to prosperity (and your ability to serve the world best) depends on it. Aligning who you are with what you do with your sacred work in the world is the focus of one-on-one coaching and group programs with me. It doesn't matter how gritty you are if the business you're building is misaligned at the core level.


P.S. Don’t fret if your grittiness isn’t where you’d like it to be. Grit increases with age and education. I’d also add that grit increases with intentional practice: habits. And if you're as fascinated with Grit as I am, you'll love this Ted talk by grit researcher, Angela Lee Duckworth. She literally coined the term. And she's pretty gritty herself!

Make Money Like Magic In your Conscious Business

Positive cash flow in your business is a signifier that you are in alignment —and when you are in alignment, you make money like magic. 

Why? Because if your business is solving the right problems, for the right people, and you are doing so in alignment with your soul’s purpose and sacred gifts  —then you will thrive at all levels (including the financial level).

And that thriving will feel effortless —like it's magic.

Of course it takes more than a burning desire to help people in a purpose-fueled business.

It takes well-crafted offers, authentic marketing and a profit-centric business model that takes into account your lifestyle desires, your values and your financial well-being. 

Let's hover for a moment on the financial well-being part. In business, financial wellness is the result of a profit-centric revenue model. Financial wellness also encompasses the values and desired lifestyle that encouraged you into business in the first place.

Money is a necessity —but we holistic entrepreneurs don't do the work for the money.

Agreed? Good.

Because if you’re like most purpose-driven souls, it's this aspect of loving what you do —but not loving the money — that leads to misalignment at the financial level.

Maybe this expresses in your business a chronic sense of overwhelm —you're doing okay financially, but you never have enough time for you, for your family, for your self-care, for hobbies or for ease. 

Maybe this expresses in your business as consistent under-earning —you're charging less than you need to be for your services or products and are living in lack, or debt, or are constantly scrambling to keep up with bills. 

Maybe this expresses in your business as inconsistent income or clients —you're on a roller coaster of ups and downs in business where, at times, income and clients are sufficient and other times, not.

Which is why, dearest, you probably have some money wounds that need healing in order to keep your business thriving.

Keeping the money energy flowing in the right way is part of your responsibility as the leader of your business. And that requires deep exploration into the patterns, beliefs and behaviors you as an entrepreneur (with a purpose-driven soul) have around money. The good news?

Once you are aware of the patterns, beliefs and behaviors, you are able to change them. In my coaching practice, I encourage my clients to begin at the beginning: developing laser-sharp clarity on their own financial wellbeing amount, what I call Financial Ease.™

Once you arrive at the amount your business must earn in order to adequately meet your own lifestyle needs and desires, your relationship with money becomes much clearer and you are able to confidently move forward with the actions necessary to meet your financial metrics. 

One of my yoga teachers used to share an anecdote in his classes: in order to love something, you must touch it. 

In business, the same is true —and how we "touch" something is by giving it our attention. Giving your attention to the pursuit of financial wellness in business is a worthy cause that results in your ability to help more people. (Because your business exists to help people, right? All good businesses do.)

The natural next step in this process is to ask: how do I earn that? Meeting your income goals and remaining in Financial Ease™ is as easy (and as challenging) as setting a clear financial target, doing some mindful reverse-engineering, and committing to the actions necessary to reach those goals.

The practical magic of turning your financial goals into actual, tangible income involves more than desire —it takes action, baby —but once you are clear on how to leverage your skills, reaching your financial goals is easier than you think.

Ready for the practical magic? 

1. Identify your Financial Ease™ amount

2. Leverage your skills with a best-fit package, product or course that meets a specific need for a specific person (your perfect fit client)

3. Price your package, product or course to align your service goals and financial goals

Although there is a little bit of math involved, it isn't too much and I promise you’ll enjoy it! Let's look at a tangible example, then complete your own version using the guidelines below:


Monthly income target: $5000

High value package rate: $1000

Needs: 5 clients / month at $1000 rate

SAMPLE Actions to Take:* 

a) Personally invite 10 clients per month into the high value package, product or program (50% conversion rate = 5 new clients at the $1000 level)

b) Run an advertising campaign to reach 500 new leads (at a 1% conversion rate = 5 new clients at the $1000 level)

c) Develop a workshop, webinar or live talk that shares a bit about your high value product, or program and share it 1x / month for 25 people, then follow up with everyone in attendance and invite into larger package (25% conversion rate = 5 new clients at the $1000 level)

*Want some support on these actions and how to effectively use these strategies to support your business? That's exactly what I do.

Apply now for a complimentary 15 minute session —it it's a good fit, I promise to let you know exactly how I can support your business' wellbeing at all levels.

Now it's your turn!

Monthly income target: $XXXX

High value package: $XXX

Needs: # of clients

Actions to take = Actions to take that will result in # of clients needed 

Now that you have a clear target, you are better equipped to establish clear weekly and monthly goals for your business efforts to ensure you remain in alignment at all levels.

But what if —like many of my clients —you don't have a high value package yet?

One of the easiest ways to increase your income is to fold the BEST of what you offer into a package or series of services that your dream client needs (and will value). If you are currently focused on selling one-to-one services, consider the clients that keep coming back.

:: What do they enjoy about working with you?

:: What benefits are they gaining from your work together?

:: What else do they need (or want) that you can provide?

Once you answer the above questions, explore folding together everything you offer into one high value package (or service, or program) that a small percentage of your dream clients will say YES to.

If you easily get hung up on the "it's too expensive, no one will purchase it" limiting belief, remember the Pareto principle applies here: 20% of your efforts will provide 80% of your outcomes.

That applies to clientele, too: you only need 20% of your current clientele to say YES in order to make the package / service / product a valuable revenue stream. 

Because let's face it: your business needs to earn money. If your business is not earning money, it becomes a costly, time-intensive hobby and a serious energy drain. 

Instead: let's turn your business into a magical and meaningful money-making enterprise.


To your success,


P.S. Want to take a peek at my own solution-centric package? It's right over here.