Being Good Isn't Good Enough: How to Push Your Edge

You’ve done it all … but you still feel stuck and frustrated.

You’re doing it all … but not getting the traction you’re striving for.

You’re following all the rules … but still feel like you’re reinventing the wheel every day.

You’re the absolute best at what you do … but that prowess and expertise isn’t reflected in your current business or brand.


Every entrepreneur must eventually face the fact that although she’s stellar at what she does, she must also learn the craft of business in order to thrive. Being good at your vocation isn’t enough. You also need to get used to marketing/visibility, strategic planning, collaboration, selling your products, programs, and services, delegating tasks, and growing into the next phase of business. Your services are the foundation of your business, but it’s essential that you build upward from that foundation. Tending to a healthy, thriving business requires taking action and that means there will be days when you end up in unfamiliar (and terrifying) territory.

Bottom line: The skills required to do your transformative, helping or healing work are separate from those required to build a profitable business. And both of those skill sets require responsibility and pushing your edge.


I’ve worked with countless clients who’ve eventually entered a mental-emotional space that I’ve dubbed the “growth edge.” When you enter this space, you feel pushed to your capacity and forced to make the choice between comfort and change. You’re stretched thin and frustrated, but also locked into a familiar routine. Step toward the growth edge, and you find yourself thinking, “I want to earn more, build my client list, and create new offerings … but am I ready to take a big boatload of risks in order to accomplish those things?” It can be tempting to just stay put, shirking perilous changes in favor of remaining stagnant but comfortable.

But let’s define comfort, because comfort isn’t always comfortable. Comfort is the expected, the familiar, the well-worn tracks. The expected could be an expected failure, the familiar could be the familiar pain of the feast-or-famine cycle, and those well-worn tracks could be the road to financial ruin. None of those options are preferable (am I right?), but if they reflect a past experience or a set of present beliefs, they are comfortable because they confirm what you know of the world.


Growth, on the other hand, requires leaping into the terrifying expanse of the unexpected, the dark canvas of the unknown, and the new neural pathways that lie beyond the edge of your vulnerability. It means abandoning the perceived safety of sameness and taking a chance on change. It means trusting yourself and being brave and putting yourself out there.


Growth requires change, courage, and commitment.


Business requires the same things.


Pushing your edge isn’t just a best practice—it’s how you live your message of transformation.