Do you understand your numbers?


Do you have your head in the sand when it comes to numbers in your business?

As a healer, helper or coach, it is easy to get caught up in wanting to be of service to your clients, and put financial need on the back burner. But you are running a business not an expensive hobby, so if you’ve been avoiding this aspect of your business, let’s take a small action together now.

Step 1

Status Update (AKA Profit + Loss)

  • Set up a income and expense tracking process . Wave is a free software which is easy to use, there is also Freshbooks, Xero and many more.

  • Hire a CPA

  • Enter in all your transactions for this financial year - you can do them by month if easier, start this month and work backwards.

  • Work out your current financial position

Step 2

Set Financial Goals

  • Write down your quarterly, six monthly and year 1 , 2 goals.

  • How much income do you need and want to receive?

  • How many hours do you need and want to work to achieve these goals?

  • By answering these questions you can start to put a plan in place

Step 3

Action: 1, 2, 3

  • List everything that needs to happen to acheive those gaols. BIG Braindump.

  • Review your list thoughtfully, then select the top 3 Action-oriented items. These are the three things that must happen to get you on the path toward your goal.

  • Set a timeline to complete those three tasks

  • Get support and accountabiilty to maintain that committment.

  • Once you have worked out what you need to do work out a plan on how to achieve these goals: maybe you need to…

  • Book more clients each week

  • Raise your rates

  • Create a high-value product / package / service

  • .Launch an online course

  • Develop a series, training, or certification

  • Get comfortable with selling

  • Increase your visibility

    Come share your top 3 Action Items with us in the Kula — and get some support, too!

Want to skip right to customized strategy? Head over here.

Money a taboo topic?

Have you been programmed to have  a negative mindset towards money? Maybe you grew up in a home where money was a touchy subject and there never was enough. Maybe you have or still are  struggling with money in your own personal life, and these experiences are now reflecting on your business.

Fear grows in the dark - avoiding tough conversations about money  (or anything really), escalates fear around the topic and results in more stifled feelings and —you guessed it —even more fear. It becomes a much harder, bigger, more scary conversation when it stays in the dark. Shining light on the topic is THE best way to relieve fear so today, right now, let’s shed some light on the conversation - and gently begin to talk about money.

@@ "Let’s start the conversation on money #womeninbusiness @@

I am here to tell you, it is okay to talk about money. It is okay to focus on your finances and it is okay to want to be financially abundant. Beginning the conversation is the hardest part. By starting, we can re-write the scripts that have been playing in your mind and start to take control of your money situation.

What is money on a spiritual level?

Money is a form of energy. Balancing this  energy opens up  paths to receive it in return. If you are holding  this energy (money) tight from a fear of losing it or not having enough, energy blocks form. These blocks then impede the inflow of money.

@@ Money is a form of energy. Clear the energy to open up paths to receive it in return #womeninbusiness @@

Often, money is associated  with success so instead of focusing on the word money, shift your focus to what  success actually means for you. Once you define “success” for you ,the positive steps to take bring you there become clear.

Where your focus goes energy flows. So here are a few questions to start focusing on “success” on your own terms (financial or otherwise!) :

  • What are your financial goals for your business?

  • What are your service goals for your business?

  • Do you set weekly / monthly / quarterly “success lists”?

  • How was your week in business?

  • Did you have productive / successful week? If so, why was it productive?

  • Was it internal energy or external energy that impacted on your goals?

Actively participate in this inner conversation. When you focus on ways to define success, and to grow your income from that place, you are on the right path.

You also need to remember that people value money very differently, but that doesn’t mean that one person’s value is better than your value. There is no right or wrong way when it comes to money and your goals.

@@  Where your focus goes, energy flows  #womeninbusiness @@

By starting the conversation and supporting your friends, peers and family you are helping to empower them.  Focus on lifting each other up, this will help you on your own money path.

Start the conversation now, join us in the Kula.

Feeling Stuck in your business? Rewind to your why!

Are you feeling overwhelmed by all the noise on the internet …

about entrepreneurship, about business, about upleveling, and about marketing to the masses?

It’s difficult to find values-centric business support, especially as you grow into the next phase of your business.

Growing a business takes diligence and focus: there is so much to do and an overwhelming amount of information designed to support you. But sometimes the business of business overwhelms you, then analysis paralysis sets in, then you wonder why you are in business at all!

Breathe with me … inhale deeply….

And exhale.

Let’s get back to the dream you had about starting your own business —- the awareness that you have something wonderful to share with the world and your clients and that it was time to start a business that would allow you to do just that.

Find a tool or a few tools to help you remember why you started doing what you’re doing and create something that will help remind you about this on a daily basis because when things get hard - and they will - you’ll need something in your physical space that will signify the importance of what you’re doing.

Not every tool will work for everybody - some people love writing, listening, talking, moving, journaling, meditating - find the tool that will work for you. Some type of activity that you can do that will help you get back to why you started your business.

Here are a few to try:

1. Vision Boarding

Did you create a vision board when you started? If so, dig that out, does it still resonate with you? If it doesn’t, change it. If it does, take some time to breathe and honor the work that you put in to create that board and get back to those feelings that you felt as you were doing that work - the excitement of dreaming.

If you are creating a new one, hop over to Pinterest and pin to your heart’s conecnt. Or, go old school and cut out images from your favorite magazines. Need another suggestion? Try this online tool like fotor where you can drag and drop on to a board to create your collage.

It’s important to take action after creating the vision board - the action of placing it in an area that you’ll see every single day. Your office wall, your refrigerator, your screen saver, your phone background.

2. Mantras

Using a daily mantra helps to program your brain on a subconscious level to bring abundance into your life and bring you closer to your why. Saying mantras out loud allows the universe to hear and feel your energy vibrations and start working in magical ways to bring you abundance. Remember everything that you say after “I am …” is true. Coming from a heart full of gratitude will allow you to receive abundance easily. Create your own matras or repeat the below mantras on a daily basis:

My purpose is clear, I am on the correct path.

I am open to receive abundance.

@@My purpose is clear, I am on the correct path. #womeninbusiness @@

3. Gratitude Journaling

Think about your favorite client or that activity in your business that feels like you’re in the zone. You know that activity where it seems that time stands still, your face gets a little flushed, you can feel that you are making a difference in the universe. That space … that feeling … write about that.

This is forcing your mind to focus on the positive things and brings about positive energy.  Too often when we are feeling stuck and resistance we gravitate towards a negative mindset and by focusing on things that are working or going right in our lives and business (even small things) really helps move you into a positive and pro-active mindset. Changing our mindset which is what we are doing is going to help bring about more positivity and clarity into our lives.

4. Reminisce with a friend

If processing things out loud with someone helps, have tea with a friend and ask if you could talk about why you started your business. Having those words come out of your mouth about your why can help you get back to that feeling you had as you were starting out. When reminiscing about this with a friend, staying in that space - give no energy or attention to all of the outside noises and all of your to do’s. Just talk about why you’re doing what you’re doing. It may help to record this, listen to it later and pick out a few key words or phrases that you say and put use them as your screensaver, or create a picture with the words - put it someplace visible to have instant, visible reminders about your Why!

These are just a few tools to help you rewind to your why. 

What is your favorite way to get unstuck?  Share some – others may need some help to get unstuck – your experience could help someone else!

Join the Kula —a Free Coaching Community on Facebook where I share tools and min-classes each week. Connect with us here.

7 Reasons Women Under Earn in Business (+ Tips to Earn More)

7 Reasons Women Under Earn in Business (+ Tips to Earn More)

The world sees women as world-class multi-taskers; We’re often expected to juggle family, career, health, self-care, and hobbies without ever letting one of those precious balls drop from our hands. Filling many roles can make our lives richer but attempting to be everything to everyone just puts us at risk of being mediocre across the board.

Use Self Care to Grow Your Business + Prevent Burnout as a Woman Entrepreneur

selfcare for healers helpers yoga teachers

Self Care Essentials for Healers, Helpers, Coaches, and Yoga Therapists

If you're in the healing, helping and wellness fields, chances are you have a deep desire to facilitate change and encourage others in their healing journey. You may have come to your career in yoga, massage, meditation, acupuncture, therapy, coaching, mental health, or integrative medicine because of personal crises. Your passion and enthusiasm for healing may have even eclipsed your own personal needs at times.  Maybe your own self-care has slipped to the extent that burnout is a common occurrence (or at least a recent memory).

My own healing journey began at age 17 with meditation, Ayurveda, healing essential oils and Buddhist studies. Over the next several years, I added yoga, pranayama and Western nutrition to the mix of self-care supports to maintain a mindful lifestyle.

Self-care is essential for avoiding burnout and overwhelm and for maintaining healthy work-life flow. In my work with women healers and helpers, I support the discovery process for finding one's optimum self-care supports for overall balance and ease —in life and business.

Over the years —and through much trial and error —I've developed a set of essential self-care tips for female entrepreneurs in the healing and helping fields who are often wearing many other hats: mother, caretaker, volunteer, social activist, artist-by-night.

Now, I support other women healers and helpers to embark on healing journeys themselves. If you are a healer, helper, or transformational service provider whose work centers on supporting clients in their own journey of transformation, then self-care is a powerful strategy for long-term business success.

1 // Take care of you first

Pretend I'm wearing my best flight attendant uniform right now and reminding you to put your own oxygen mask on before helping others in crisis—bring that into your business as well. YOU are the heart of your business. Take time for precious self-care, commit to your practices, and emphasize appropriate nourishment and sacred rejuvenation. In the Buddhist wisdom traditions, the Oxygen Mask Law is summarized in the teaching of bodhicitta: the wish to be free of suffering so that you may support others in freeing their own bonds as well. As a healer, helper, or spiritual entrepreneur, your business exists because of your deep wish to support others, to empower others, to help others awaken. Give that gift to yourself first.

You are the heart of your business.

In practice:

// Eat something nourishing

// Snuggle up with a good book

// Experience the wonder of nature

// Practice a strengths-based ritual for well-being and flow

// Lie on the floor and breathe deeply

// Recite mantra, affirmations, poetry or calming prayers

// Take a day off (if you are able to do so)

Mantra: "My business thrives when I nourish myself and tend to my own self-care needs."

2 // Treat money as energy

Money is energy: and as an entrepreneur, or service provider, you’re turning your energy, skills and experiences into money. It becomes easier to manage money when you reconceive money as the manifestation of your vital energy in the financial world.

When you accept that the act of attending to your money-energy is itself an act of self-care, it is much easier to make friends with your finances.

Just as you might direct the energy of the breath into tight areas of your body in a yoga posture, or channel your strength for the last miles of the marathon, you can learn to direct the money-energy of your business. The best part is that you are able to make this shift without the associated drama and trauma of well-worn habits and outdated relationships to money.

In practice:

// Make friends with your finances by designating a “money date” in your calendar for bookkeeping, bank account balancing, and accounting tasks. Each week or each month, as it suits your needs.

// Make it NEW, FUN, AND EXCITING. When you get your emotions on board, you’re more likely to follow through with small changes (and challenges). Have your Money Date at an adorable cafe, or a gorgeous park, or the botanical gardens, or your favorite tea house. Rent a swanky hotel room for the day and fit in a spa morning the following day —or put on your favorite P.J.s and binge watch The Peripheral at the end of the night. It’s your date! Make it new, fun, and exciting.

// Take a look around at the places money energy is “leaking out” —in business and in life —and stop the leaks! There are many ways to honor your current financial reality without depriving yourself —and shifting the money story from one of lack to one of abundance is a supreme act of self-care.

Mantra: "Abundance expands when I direct the (money)energy in my business appropriately."

3 // Treat time as a resource

Your time is sacred, precious and finite so use it effectively by staying focused on the services, offerings, tasks, hobbies, and causes that reflect your values.

Treating time as a resource also means prioritizing your actual hourly rate in your business—and acknowledging when it makes sense to delegate or hire out certain tasks.

In practice:

// Strong boundaries strengthen focus. When you determine your time and money boundaries, you are clear on the tasks that aligns with your business objectives

// Prioritize tasks that grow your business —these are the tasks that pave the way for business growth such as services, sales, marketing, or program / product development.

// Take 10 Rule: Shortcircuit overwhelm, procrastination, indecision, and/or burnout with the Take 10 Rule:

  • Visualize the best outcome in 10 minutes / 10 hours / 10 days / 10 months:

  • Then ask: What one action can I take right now?


"I respect myself enough to treat my time as a valuable resource."

4 // Build the right business for YOU

Building the right business for you begins by looking at your strengths, passions, and skills. If you love to learn, study and teach, then you'll be happier in a model that allows you to share your intellectual endeavors in that arena. If you ache to connect people in larger, group experiences, a business model where you plan or attend conferences, launch your speaking career, or lead retreats will ultimately provide you more satisfaction. If you are passionate about your hometown community, a strong local presence (opening a yoga studio, wellness center, or building a local private client base) may be a good fit.

In practice:

// Identify your talents, passions, skills and strengths and commit to bringing them fully into your business.


Mantra: "By aligning who I am with what I do, my business becomes an act of sacred self-realization."

5 // Create Daily Rituals that Support Long-Term Success

Our daily habits matter because every day counts in business. What you do with your most productive hours within the day may make the difference between building a profitable business or burning out. And what you do (or do not do) today may affect whether your business has working capital in six months —or whether you are closing the doors.

Internalize this truth: what you do this year will affect where your business will be in 3 years.

But which actions DO we take? What exactly IS the next best step? When is enough, enough? Most importantly, how do you keep taking baby steps forward on a Big Vision plan when our motivation flags? Or when life gets crazy? Or when the little one comes down with a fever? How do you keep going when you have just endured a life-shifting revelation?

Here’s my solution:

Focused, aligned action yields business growth

I call this a business dinacharya. Dinacharya is the Sanskrit term for a series of small daily practices that allow for greater ease in body, mind. Drawn from Ayurveda, dinacharya is a method of framing your time in the space of a day to align individual and universal energies.

The principle of dinacharya is that small actions, taken daily, have a cumulative and exponential effect.

From a highly pragmatic view, dinacharya is the foundation of your health—and, in my view, the health of your business. Healthy daily habits invite harmony, wellbeing, and longevity —in business and in life. While dinacharya for our physical health includes practices like movement, mindset, connection, spiritual practices and communication, a business dinacharya includes customer service, client work, group classes, checking email, social media, and financial elements. Your business dinacharya also needs to include preventive, supportive and goal-directed measures to ensure you are staying on course with your business vision. (You DO have a business vision, right?)

As a conscious entrepreneur, you crave a certain lifestyle —and you want to build a business that supports that lifestyle. You want meaningful work, creative rest, time for your practices, and sacred space for the values you treasure. There's only one way to make this happen —you have to build a business that reflects your values at all levels.

In practice: Have a clear picture of what actions are necessary to move your business forward and what actions are necessary for keeping the proverbial doors open. Usually those are two different categories.

Mantra: "Focus is practical magic —and my small focused actions have a cumulative and exponential effect"

Ok, now tell me: what did I forget? Do you have self-care or focus to share?

Let us know in the comments below —or head over to the Kula and share there!

5 Tips to Improve Your Content Marketing


Do you want to become a leader in your industry?

Are you ready for a steady stream of perfect-fit clients to knock down your (proverbial) door?

Awesome! You are in the right place.

Becoming a known expert is easier than ever with the power of information —and you have valuable wisdom and insight to share!

The key to content marketing success is creating interesting content that your audience is going to find valuable, useful and shareable!

In our last post on the subject of content marketing, How to Create Engaging Content that Attracts Your Dream Clients, I talked to you briefly about something called VIRAS. VIRAS is an acronym that, when followed throughout the content creation process, improves our content and attracts more of the best-fit clients.

VIRAS stands for = valuable, inspiring, relevant, actionable and specific.

Let’s take a look at each of the five pieces of VIRAS —together they form a five-step process you can apply to improve your own content marketing.

1 // V is for Valuable

When considering content to share, ask yourself — will my potential client receive value from this information? Even better: will my perfect-fit client? If the answer is no, then skip it and focus on what WILL deliver value to a potential or existing client.

For example, is it important for you to know that I cleaned houses for 5 years during high school and college? Only if I can connect it to a specific lessons learned to deliver a valuable insight: such as, doing whatever it takes to reach your goals, time management, early entrepreneurial skills and developing boutique services that advance your income and opportunities.

2 // I is for Inspiring

Keep your content inspiring and positive. Although you definitely want to employ effective psychological triggers (like loss-gain, opportunity cost, and urgency), remain as positive as possible in your messaging. Walking the line between motivating and empowering is a skill in sharing content that your perfect-fit clients and customers will adore. Remain as positive in your language as possible —including reframing negative calls to action in positive terms.

For example: Although I could have written the first sentence of above paragraph as follows: "Don't use a negative tone in your content." Do you notice how that sentence elicits a different feeling? A simple reframe using positive language has a lighter tone and an empowering after-effect.

[Tweet "People won't always remember what you say, but they'll remember how you made them feel"]

3 // R is for Relevant

Is the content you are sharing relevant to your perfect-fit client? Only share content that is of direct relevance to your potential client or customer. If you can connect an experience, story, or insight to a current lesson that interests your Dream Client, then by all means, go ahead.

Here’s a quick example: Although I’m a certified yoga therapist and have a yoga teacher training school, I don’t share content related to yoga anatomy, therapeutic yoga or the Wisdom Method on this blog. Why? Because it’s not relevant to my perfect-fit client — unless I’m sharing exact strategies I used to grow my business.

[Tweet "Your business isn't about you: it's about the problems you solve for your clients. @thekellieadkins"]

4 // A is for Actionable

Your content needs to have a point. Asking yourself a simple question — “What’s the point?” — is a great place to begin to ensure your content is actionable to your client. There needs to be a clear action for the reader / viewer to take after consuming your content.

What do you want to the reader / viewer / listener to do after they read / watch / listen? What action-oriented tips will you leave them with? Is there a next step —either in another piece of Free content (perhaps behind an opt-in gate or application) or in a paid product or service?

5 // S is for Specific

Last but not least, ensure the content you are sharing is specific to a particular person, client or customer. Your mom may read your blog, but chances are you are not trying to attract your mom into your business.

Consider what the client needs that you, or your amazing offers, can provide. In fact, be sure that each piece of content you share has a specific gain for your client. Better still, noodle over the top 5 problems you solve for your Dream Client and create content that provides those solutions!

It helps to envision your specific Dream Client when creating content. Imagine them receiving the content in great detail: how will they feel before reading / watching / listening? How will they feel after? Who will they share it with? The more specific you become with your content, the more it will resonate with your Dream Clients.

[Tweet "Envision a specific Client to create content that converts "]

Pass each of the content pieces you create through this VIRAS litmus test and you’ll see more engagement and interaction on the content you create. This interaction will lead to you gaining more followers / fans who will want even more of what it is you are sharing. Keeping people waiting on the edge of their seat for the next thing you create is a total business sweet spot.

I’d Love to Hear from You

What were your biggest takeaways from today’s article? How will this help you move your business forward and attract more clients? Leave your insights in the comments below!

Did you love this article? Share the love! Click to tweet below (or use the social buttons on the side).

I'm loving these content marketing tips from @thekellieadkins

How to Create Engaging Content that Attracts Your Dream Clients

kaboompics.com_Grey Felt Journal TO DO LIST on a white desk

Knowing how, and where, to attract your dream clients can feel elusive to most entrepreneurs. The “if you build it, they will come” philosophy doesn’t always hold up and, unfortunately, most entrepreneurs learn this the hard way! However, there is one strategy that does work when applied correctly and that strategy is: content.

Crafting the right content for your audience is critical to your overall success.

Engaging blog posts, videos, live streams and downloads can draw your potential clients in and help them feel as though they are in the right place. Aligned content can provide them with the “taste test” they need to move from prospect to customer confidently.

Let’s take a look at the steps required to take your content from boring to soaring.

Step #1 - Cozy Up to Your Customers

The first thing you need to do is understand who your prospects are and what they want. Not all people are created equal so what works in your business may not work in mine and vice versa.

The best way to figure out what people want, content-wise, is to look at your audience and do some research to figure out where they are. If you already have a content strategy, use data from your current content systems to determine which is performing the best. For some, that may be your blog or newsletter, for others, it’s social media.

Jot the following platforms down on a sheet of paper and rank them in order of most engaged to least engaged:

  • Blog

  • Newsletters / Monthly Content or Broadcasts

  • Videos

  • Podcasts

  • Audiobooks

  • Social Media platforms

The second best way to figure out what works is to survey your audience. You can use a survey tool to send a questionnaire to your list and your social media networks. Keep the survey short and sweet and ask questions like, “Where do you do most of your online content consumption?” or “Where do you spend most of your time online?”

Understanding your prospect’s behaviors, and their preferred consumption style, will help you to narrow your efforts in on what works.

Step #2 - Determine Your Own Level of Commitment

Creating content is hard work and is incredibly time consuming. Since we can’t create content for every platform, every day and maintain a high degree of quality, we need to be much more selective about where we spend our time.

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • How many hours can I, realistically speaking, put into content creation?

  • Which mediums are the easiest for me to create content for?

  • What am I willing, and able, to create on a regular schedule?

Because consistency is key in content marketing, the most effective content to share is the one that you will consistently create. Consistency is how you build trust with your potential clients and generate the connections necessary for business.

Step #3 - Figure Out Your Posting Schedule

Once you know the platform you’re going to create for, based on your prospect’s preferences, and you’ve created a schedule that you can easily commit to, the next step is to jot down a posting schedule so that you can stick to it.

In most cases, a weekly schedule works best for most people (i.e.: 1 blog post per week, 1 newsletter per week, 5 social media updates per week, etc.) but you need to find the balance that works for you.

Also remember that different platforms have a shorter shelf-life for content. Choose the platforms where you are able to remain consistent in order to gain traction.

Prioritize your content schedule so your potential clients get in the habit of hearing from you — and get excited about what you are sharing!

One of the ways to get them excited is to ensure that your content is valuable, inspiring, relevant, actionable and specific (VIRAS). Read more about the VIRAS approach to content marketing here.

Step #4 - Determine Your Content Focus

What are the top struggles your perfect-fit clients have right now? Those solutions are a great place to start with content creation.

What are the problems people are coming into your practice with —and how do they feel after they’re resolved? That’s a great way to feature the transformation your services provide.

What are the results that your clients and customers have received from your signature offers? Divide those results into how-to articles and create content that walks them through the process of getting those results.

If you are just beginning to create a content strategy, you may need to get a high level overview of your existing content. Run everything through the VIRAS test and eliminate anything that is off-brand or irrelevant to your current work.

Questions + Taking It Further

If you have any questions about the first four steps, please leave them as a comment below or pop on over to join the discussion in the Kula, an incredible group of Conscious Female Entrepreneurs. 

Ready for more? Head over here for 5 tips to improve your content marketing strategy for Coaches, Healers, and Helpers who want to attract more clients …with integrity.

How To Work Less + Earn More (Steal these Strategies)


Before you become an entrepreneur, there is often a moment in time when what you want bumps up against your current state. For example, let’s say you crave freedom and flexibility but you’re stuck working a 9-to-5 job. Your desire for what you want will naturally bump up against your current limitations, thus providing you with contrast.

This contrast can be used as a compass to point you in the right direction… provided that you are ready to be guided.

For many entrepreneurs, it was this compass that led them to the land of self-employment. Sometimes we get here with a fantastic guide to lead the way (ie: a mentor or coach) and other times we’re on our own - navigating unfamiliar terrain and hoping that we find our way.

No matter how you reach your destination, sometimes it still doesn’t look exactly how we envisioned it. Maybe you craved freedom and flexibility, but instead arrive at the heart of entrepreneurship and realize you’re working more than you did before you started. This newly found contrast can be a bit unsettling as the journey was meant to lead you to your preferred end state.

I've bumped against these contrasts more times than I can count in my 10+ year journey of entrepreneurship. By far, the most effective changes I've made in that decade of self-employment came after I committed to the following things:

  1. STOP being everything to everyone: self-explanatory, but I'll explain anyway. I used to offer a variety of services —with a variety of niches within my niche. It kept me in a chronic state of overwhelm and, if I'm honest, kept me from actualizing my earning potential for far too long. I saw the most growth (like, 10x —exponential— growth) when I niched down and REMOVED services from my business.
  2. STOP being the bottleneck in my business: I was a solopreneur for a long time. I did it all and that meant that I was frequently the bottleneck in my business. It wasn't until I automated, systematized and outsourced that I could grow the way I needed to grow to align my business and values.
  3. EXPAND my influence and increase my income without working more, so that I could be earning even while doing what my heart desires most. That meant I filtered every goal through this lens: Will it take me away from spending time with my daughter and quality time with my family? If so, will it supply me a maximum return on my investment? This lens allowed me to say "heck, yeah!" to some opportunities and endeavors (being interviewed on podcasts, writing a book) and "thanks, but no, thanks" to others (traveling for speaking engagements).

Committing to things in thought and paper is simply one piece. The next step, the much more difficult one, is action.

My first step was to take out my sparkly sword of discernment and chop away at the offers and services that no longer fit my business vision —or business values.

Then, I outsourced the things in my business that didn't light my fire —or skipped them entirely (this is why I'm no longer sharing updates on every social media platform and instead focus on only two platforms: here and here).

I got better at dealing with my fear of self-promotion and started showing up in a bigger way. The results have been astounding.

My “no more playing small” approach to business is working — as of today I'm earning 3x more and working half as much!

The best part? I only made a few simple tweaks — and since I'm a "Learn it to share it" kinda gal, I'm over-the-moon excited to share exactly what I did and teach you how to do it too!

The Simple Strategies I Used to Get Massive Results (With Less Overwhelm) —and How To Apply Them in Your Business

Cut out the offers that were draining resources. In my case, that was also a significant source of revenue so I had to get creative. Yoga Teacher training was a significant income source but the time spent to manage the school meant it used up a lot of resources. When I took a (non-emotional) look at the numbers, the answer was clear: retire myself from (most) live trainings and focus on the Virtual Studio and supporting budding Yoga Teacher Trainers through the Wisdom Method Licensing program.

> Your turn: What signature offers or services are bringing in the LEAST amount of revenue for the resources invested (time, energy, money)?

Stepped fully into my zone of genius empowering holistic entrepreneurs to do more of what they love, more profitably. When I took a step back and evaluated my business strengths, the answer was clear: I love mentorship. Although mentorship is a part of the Yoga Teacher Training, I really enjoyed mentoring other holistic entrepreneurs in their businesses. I often had to limit my business mentoring in order to keep up with the several simultaneous trainings I ran through the Wisdom Method School of Yoga —as I also provide mentorship to the program attendees. When I embraced mentorship specifically as my particular zone of genius, retiring myself from live trainings didn't feel as scary —it was simply the better business decision.

Stepping away from teaching live trainings also allowed me to eliminate the offers in my business that didn’t speak specifically to my niche: although I do work with yoga teachers, I also mentor coaches, acupuncture physicians, bodyworkers, intuitives and helpers of all kinds. The yoga-specific offers moved to the backburner (and offered only to those who need them) so my niche got simultaneously broader and more clear.

> Your turn: What is your particular zone of genius in your business? How can you align that (more) fully with your primary revenue stream?

Got specific and focused in all marketing and promotion. Once I stepped into my zone serving holistic entrepreneurs, I became much more confident and creative in marketing and promotion tasks. Before, I used to dread writing blog posts, newsletters and social media updates. Now that I’ve focused in on empowering holistic entrepreneurs to earn more, work less and increase their influence, I have so much to say that showing up and sharing inspiring, relevant, actionable content is actually fun! Even better, my fear (a.k.a. “internal ick-factor”) of self-promotion is nearly gone. Telling (the right) people how I can help solve their problems (namely: not earning enough, not enough clients, hitting an income ceiling, low visibility, overwhelmed) feels like a service —not sales.

> Your turn: What are the top 3-5 problems you solve for your clients or customers? Now focus all your content marketing efforts on answering the questions they have about those problems, educating them about how you can help them solve those problems, and sharing your particular solution(s) to those problems.

So, now what?

Now it’s your turn! Spend some time answering the questions above and apply the insights gained to your business.

Leave me a comment below and tell me how it all goes for you, too!

* * *

Are You a Conscious Entrepreneur Who is Ready to Play Bigger?

If you want to kick the overwhelm, overworked, burnt out beyond repair cycle, head over >> HERE << to work smarter (NOT harder). I’ll *see* you on the other side!

Screw Marketing. Connect Instead

Let me guess: you're a conscious entrepreneur on a mission.

You love —and believe in —The Work.

But it'd sure be nice to have a few more clients.

The thing yourself sucks.

You do The Work you do because it's your purpose, your passion and your mission.

You have a burning desire to help people heal, transform, and —overall —to suffer a little less.

Maybe that work is massage therapy. Or yoga therapy. Or acupuncture. Or soul healing. Or reiki.

Whatever it is —it's bigger than you.

You can talk a blue streak about The Work itself, am I right? You know the benefits, the methods, the techniques. 

And while that is a good thing, it's also why you sometimes have difficulty explaining to potential clients and customers WHY they need The Work.

Do you know WHY your clients need The Work?

Of course you know the surface-level reasons: less pain in movement, more ease in the physical body, deep releases at the energetic level, more health and wellbeing. 

But as a conscious entrepreneur, you have to take the next step —and connect with your clients about the deeper reasons The Work will change their lives.

And that?

That's marketing.

I know, I know: marketing doesn't exactly light your fire.

Rightly so. 

The Work —healing, helping, changing the world, making a difference in people's lives —that's what truly motivates you. The Work is why you get out of bed in the morning. The Work is your passion, your purpose, and your mission in the world.

But you can't heal, help, change the world or make a difference in people's lives if you are your own best kept secret.

You have to reach people to serve people.

Reaching (the right) people means marketing. Marketing. Even the word feels icky!

But what if I told you that there is a better way to "market" yourself —and your business?

What if I told you to screw marketing — and instead, focus on connection.

When you focus on connecting with the people you can actually help —the people who NEED and WANT what you have —you're merging mindfulness with marketing. 

Connecting in this way, is what I call Authentic Marketing.

Authentic Marketing is about making a conscious effort to find the right people (the people who need and want what you have), to connect with those people, and to communicate to those people exactly why The Work you do is a solution to a problem they have. 

Simple enough, right?

Actually, it is. So if you need more clients, I invite you to get started right now....

1) Who are your people?

Your people are the ones you can (and want to) serve with your work. They're the ones with whom you have dreams, desires, values, and goals in common. They're the people you'd probably be friends with under different circumstances. Your people is a specific group, with specific problems, with specific needs. NOT "everyone." Sure, "Everyone" could benefit from massage, yoga, soul healing or reiki. But it's not your job to convert the world. It's your job to connect to YOUR people.

You/your business solve/s a particular problem for a particular group of people —your Target Market (Dream Clients in my lingo). The right people.

Ask yourself ....

  • Who MOST needs what I have?

  • Whose problems can I solve?

  • Who do I most want to serve?

  • Who benefits most from your work?

Be as specific as possible: Male / female? Young / old? Married / Single? What are their worldviews? Political views? Income level? Education level? Children / no children?Likes/dislikes? Hobbies?

2) Where are those people?

Are they working on their novel in the local coffee shop? Hitting the streets with the local running club? Are they stretching and bending in a yoga class? Are they homeschooling their three kids? Working a 9-to-5? Figure out where they actually hang out —then go the extra mile and reach them online, too.

  • Are they sharing on Facebook?

  • Are they pinning on Pinterest?

  • Are they insta-obssessed on Instagram?

  • Are they watching How-To videos on YouTube?

  • Are they listening to Podcasts?

Figure out where they are, then figure out ways to get in front of them (i.e., to connect with them!).

3) Why do they need you —and your Work? 

This is the toughest part of the equation for most conscious entrepreneurs and heart-centered business owners. You know why you love The Work. You know why you need The Work. But your people? That's a little trickier to discern.

I'm guessing with a little prompting, though, that you'll come up with a handful of stellar reasons your people need you —and your Work.

Let's start at the beginning ....

What is the #1 result you can promise from your work?

Be specific and reasonable. If that's more ease in movement or more balanced emotions or less pain, then start there.

Now ask yourself: WHY do my people want and need this?

Let's look at a specific example....

Jane is a yoga therapist who can absolutely promise more body awareness as the #1 result of her work. 

Joe is her client. He's in his mid-60s and started yoga therapy to reduce the risk factors associated with his mostly sedentary life. As a result of the greater body awareness from his yoga therapy sessions with Jane, Joe feels more confident in his body and movement is more fun —he's able to keep up with his grandkids, has improved his golf game, and is now experiencing less pain in his body. All of these effects are are a direct result of his greater body awareness and are improving his quality of life.  

So how can Jane reach more people like Joe? 

Talking about "body awareness" is likely to fall on deaf ears. 

But talking about playing catch with the grandkids, taking walks with loved ones, and experiencing fewer age-related losses in function —that's going to hit home with Jane's potential clients, who, like Joe, want to reduce the risks of age-related decline.

That's the WHY that Jane can use to connect with more clients like Joe.

4) How can you best connect with those right people?

What are some real, tangible ways to actually get in front of the right people? Keep in mind that you don't serve everyone—so you don't need to be everywhere. There is no need to be at every networking event —or in every Facebook group —sharing and promoting your Work. Give focus to the spaces (real life and virtual) populated by lots of the right people.

Choose the method of connecting with your Dream Clients that actually suits your strengths and skills, too. If you hate writing but love sharing helpful videos, skip the blog in favor of Webinars, Livestream and video tutorials.

Here are some examples of ways you can connect with more of the right people:

  • Lead / participate in live events —workshops, speaking events, meet ups, local events, networking groups. Grab emails from attendees whenever possible.

  • Write and share Blog posts. Related to their problems —and how you can solve them. Include an email opt-in at the end of each post or in your website sidebar or footer.

  • Create and share Videos. Related to their problems and interests and your unique solutions

  • Create and share Podcasts / audio teachings. Related to their problems and interests and your unique solutions

  • Create and offer E-books / guides. Help them (you guessed it) solve a problem. Bonus: offer this is as a "free gift" when people sign up for your email list! Here's my free Guide

  • Social Media / Status Updates —Choose 1-2 platforms where those right people are hanging out. Show up and share every day. At a loss for what to share? Start here: ask questions, be helpful, inspire.

  • Create a helpful forum where you can answer questions, be available for on-the-spot support, and connect with more of the right people. Like this one here.

5) When will you show up and connect?

Connection works best when you can count on it. That means you need to continue to show up for your people in a regular way. Because if you truly want to connect with the right people (and eventually, turn those right people into raving clients and customers), you must first build a foundation of trust.

The easiest way to do that is by showing up —consistently. Connect, educate, elevate and inspire regularly. Consistency is key here! Not only will this build your credibility in your field, it will also deepen the connection with your clients-to-be. This doesn't mean that you're pushing your amazing products or services down their throats —it does mean that you're showing up, being helpful, and inspiring about 80% of the time. The other 20% percent of the time, you'll be sharing how you can solve their problems, how you can help them get what they want, how you can help them get the idea.

Listed below are sample schedules for maximum efficiency and engagement. If all of this is new to you, choose only one Action Item from the list below and commit to creating some helpful, inspiring, and engaging content that you can share with your community.

Sample Schedule #1

  • 1 blog post / video / podcast each week

  • 1 daily update on a Facebook page

  • 10 Tweets per day

Sample Schedule #2

  • 2 daily images on Instagram

  • 1 LinkedIn post each day

  • Once weekly newsletter

Sample Schedule #3

  • 1 daily Livestream 

  • 3 Facebook Posts daily

  • or some combination of the above

Still at a loss for what to share that will encourage connection with your people? Here are some helpful guidelines for crafting delightful, helpful and inspiring content

  • Video is the best way to attract and engage attention. Keep it simple. Record on your smartphone and upload directly to Facebook. Stream live on Facebook. Start a Vlog on YouTube. The sky is the limit.

  • Share your wisdom and experience. Remember those problems your Dream Clients have? Solve them and share away. Example: The "What I Know / What I've Learned" Post / Blog / Update. The "How to Post."

  • Ask questions and/or Poll for opinions. What's your favorite podcast / Coffee or tea? /  Do you hang out in your yoga clothes all day, too?

  • Share others people's content. It's totally cool to share, retweet and re-post others' work as long as a) you give appropriate credit and b) it will resonate with your own community

  • Educate! What does your Dream Client need to know that they don't know already? Teach them. Tell them. Show them.

  • Share lists. List Top Tips for the outcomes your Dream Client wants or needs

  • Share tidbits of your personal life. Caution: this can backfire! Consider if what you're sharing is relevant to your Dream Client. Also: never talk about the shit when you're in the shit. Sit with it first —share the lesson later.

Liked this post? You'll love the Conscious Entrepreneurs kula —a (free) community of healers, helpers and conscious entrepreneurs committed to creating whole health, wise wealth and balanced business. Plus: me! I show up and share —you guessed it— helpful, inspiring and relevant content everyday.

With boundless gratitude for the opportunity to connect, 



Do you want more clients and more authentic connection in your business? Then I made the Business Energy Cleanse just for you. 7 soulful lessons to guide you back to the truth of your business mission —and provide a solid foundation for attracting more perfect-fit clients with authentic connection and sacred strategy. Buy the Business Energy Cleanse now.


Still at a loss for what to share? Here are some helpful guidelines for crafting delightful, helpful and inspiring content

  • Video is the best way to attract and engage attention. Keep it simple. Record on your smartphone and upload directly to Facebook. Stream live on Periscope (and come say "hi!" I'm just getting started over there: I'm @kellie_adkins). Start a Vlog on YouTube. The sky is the limit.

  • Share your wisdom and experience. Remember those problems your Dream Clients have? Solve them and share away. Example: The "What I Know / What I've Learned" Post / Blog / Update. The "How to Post."

  • Ask questions and/or Poll for opinions. What's your favorite podcast / Coffee or tea? /  Do you hang out in your yoga clothes all day, too?

  • Share others people's content. It's totally cool to share, retweet and re-post others' work as long as a) you give appropriate credit and b) it will resonate with your own community

  • Educate! What does your Dream Client need to know that they don't know already? Teach them. Tell them. Show them.

  • Share lists. List Top Tips for the outcomes your Dream Client wants or needs

  • Share tidbits of your personal life. Caution: this can backfire! Consider if what you're sharing is relevant to your Dream Client. Also: never talk about the shit when you're in the shit. Sit with it first —share the lesson later.

Liked this post? You'll love the Conscious Entrepreneurs kula —a (free) community of healers, helpers and conscious entrepreneurs committed to creating whole health, wise wealth and balanced business. Plus: me! I show up and share —you guessed it— helpful, inspiring and relevant content everyday.

Even More Resources



This post is part of the Bravery Blogging project, hosted by the delightful folks over at Makeness Media. Read more brave blogs by searching #braveblogging on all social channels.

Abundance Issues? Heal Your Money Wounds

Heal Your Money Wounds
Heal Your Money Wounds

We get a little funny about money as healers and helpers. We love what we do and are guided by service. Which is why it's so challenging to put a price tag on our gifts, talents and services.

Take it from me, darling, you can only give from a full tank.

If overwhelm is an issue for you right now, it's time to take a look at those energy leaks.

Let's start with money energy.

Money is energy that yields the nourishment you need at all levels to keep giving, to keep doing your transformative work, to keep sharing.

If you're a conscious entrepreneur with a generous heart, chances are you've felt the pang of sharing your gifts for little (or no) remuneration.

Do you hesitate when it comes to pricing services or products?

Here's what I mean —in a mini-drama:

Potential Client: So, how much do you charge for your Transformative Yoga Therapy Sessions / Intuitive Coaching / Art + Meditation private classes?

You (Talented, visionary, soulful 'preneur): Well, usually I charge um, well, $50 (*voice gets low and muffled*), but for you, I can do the first session free and a 20% discount off future sessions if, well, if you know, if you can't afford it (*that last part is stammered out with a fair bit of hesitation*).

ACK! You and I both know what happens next. Either the client books (and you feel resentful) or the client doesn't book (because why should they? There was no value in it).

Putting a price tag on your gifts bring up fear, money issues, limiting beliefs around your own worth and the ever-present scarcity issues. Potential clients can feel that ...and nothing sends a potential client running for the hills faster than your money issues.

Are you clear on the leveraged income streams in your business?

The Pareto Principle tells us that 20% of efforts yield in 80% of results. 20% of clients result in 80% of income. Are you allocating enough time to the important things in your business or are you spending time on the urgent? Identifying (then doing!) the 20% actions that result in even more income and expansion in your business is a solid strategy for success.

If you're drowning under a list of urgent To-Do's and watching days (and dollars) pass you by, then take a gander at the list below.

It doesn't have to be that way.

Let's heal those money wounds and close up the energy leaks in your business post-haste.

I can't tell you how many times incredibly talented women (my clients) have apologetically quoted their rates to me only to go into shock when I (almost immediately) tell them to double those rates. The reason clients earn more immediately after working with me —even if it's only a free session —is because we begin by balancing the energy (and money is a form of energy).

Here are my top tips for healing your money wounds and stepping into abundance as a healer or helper. These are the exact steps I teach my private, VIP clients, and the precise "formula" all successful entrepreneurs apply.

1 :: Set a rate that reflects a living wage and allows you to remain in financial ease.

Nothing harms our industry (healers, coaches, yogis, transformative teachers) more than too-low rates for one-on-one services. If you think you have to charge less in order to make more, you DON'T. In fact, placing a too-low price tag on our gifts in the interest of "being competitive" often undermines the importance of our work in the eyes of our potential clients. Lastly, each time you undercut your industry by charging too little, you contribute to the epidemic of other healers, coaches and yogis who can't make a living doing their transformative work.

Be reasonable and rational when setting rates. Consider yourself with a full practice or client docket :: how many can you reasonably see in a week? How much do you need to earn in a week? Align the numbers for a good starting point. Need support with this one? Head over here and we'll hash it out together.

Remaining in financial ease is my term for the amount of money you need to earn to support the lifestyle you desire, while saving, investing, and tithing. What lifestyle you desire and how much you'd like to save is up to you but many experts suggest at least 20%. Again, investing is entirely up to you as well: remember to consider retirement. Tithing is a personal spiritual practice that has made a tremendous difference in my life (see #6).

2 :: Offer a limited number of complementary sessions.

If you are establishing yourself as a Leader and expert in your field, you need to spend some time getting to know WHO your dream client actually is.

If you are already established, you want to spend time connecting with your community so you continue to create valuable resources and services they need and want.

Hop on the phone a few times a week for complementary introductory sessions and promotional sessions. If you're trying to discern WHAT your dream client really needs or wants, then 20-minute free sessions or promotional sessions (with feedback requested as a condition) allows you to discover the ways you can meet their needs.

Call it a tithe, an offering, or an experiment: free sessions have their place. Do put a cap on it and remember to track your time for this service. Decide how many you will do, when you will do them, what you will call them and how people will get them. Want to see how I run my own freebie sessions? Head over here.

Here are some valuable free resources for managing your complementary sessions with ease.

Schedule Once —you choose your time, client books with an easy to use click-to-schedule option. Sends you an alert to approve the session and issues you each confirmation and reminder emails. Integrates with Google and iCal and Android. Free + Paid version.

Calendly —has all the same features as Schedule Once but better free version. You can have multiple session types and lengths. Also: the branding is gorgeous!

3 :: Decide on your growth metrics and definition of financial "success."

Do you want to double your income annually? Do you want to make a million by 40? Do you want to see a 20% return on your investments of time and energy?

Seriously. Sit with your personal metrics of success it for a bit then come up with hard data. Numbers, percentages, metrics.  Be equal parts practical and magical with this process. Use your intuition and spreadsheets.

Then: Name it to claim it.

Once you have hard data work backwards from those numbers with reasonable efforts on your part.


Goal: Double Net income next year

Needs: Steady growth for the next 12 months (at a 10%+ increase in profits)

Action you will take: Offer a higher-value program to double Net income

How to do that: Ask your 20% what they need! Create a higher value program that fits their needs. Offer community building to grow your audience for the new offer. Launch the high value program. Fill it. Boom —income doubled.

Want some support on that? That's what I do...and I'm here.

4 :: Commit to taking the daily actions necessary to heal your money wounds.

Do you have a scarcity mentality around money? 

Does another person's success (or wealth) trigger sadness or jealousy?

Do you think you have to choose your spiritual practice or wealth?

Do you avoid money and money-related tasks? Are you avoiding facing your fears or limiting beliefs about money?

Do you spend time on tasks you could outsource just to pinch pennies?

Do your sessions frequently go over time?

Do your clients pay you promptly or are you chasing down your money?

Are you spending time working on the weekends just to "catch up"?

Do you want someone else to take care of "the money" stuff so you can only focus on service / creating  / sharing your gifts?

Are you waiting around for all that money you fervently manifested to show up in your bank account?

Ok, it's time to get personal with the energy leaks in your business. If you answered yes to more than 1 of the questions above, it's time to heal those money wounds. 

Look at the questions you answered "yes" to: what are the themes? Time? Money? Worthiness?

Keep digging for the deeper reason behind the behavior. Only then can you find the root of the issue and begin to heal the wound from the source. You may need to adjust your relationship to time first. Once you begin to value your time, you see the costs and gains associated with overwhelm, with DIYing, and with poor boundaries. Stay committed to doing the 20% tasks that will leverage your business success during the first part of your week. Remain attentive to the time-sucking tasks in your business. Avoid time wasters during your most productive hours.

Then, adjust your relationship to money. Money is merely an indication that your purpose, your mindset, your intentions and your work / career / business are in alignment. If your business isn't on the abundance upswing, it's time for a change. That may mean doing things outside of your comfort zone like blogging every week, posting in Facebook groups, reaching out to past clients directly, or delivering a live workshop / class to promote your one-on-one services.

If you've reached a plateau (run out of time or other resources), you may need to get experimental and add income diversification to your business. If you're in the service industry, you can begin selling products. If you're already selling products, you may want to sell leveraged services. Check out the other examples below.

Example: sharing products that support the work you do, joining an affiliate program, shifting into group programs, adding virtual products or programs

Ah, worthiness. If you've reached the core of the energy leaks in your business and find it's related to your own self-concept, fears, or feelings of worthiness, join the club. You are in good company —generations of successful women entrepreneurs struggled with the same issues. Call it your birthright (and your gift to future generations) to face those fears, to own your worth and to heal those wounds.

Making the commitment is how you begin to heal the energy leaks in your business and shift the money energy back into alignment.

5 :: Face your fears

Do you have a host of fears around money?

Do you fear power —and the power money provides?

Do you fear failure or risk-tasking?

Does balancing your checkbook give you anxiety?

Do you dread bill-paying time?

Do you worry about never having enough?

Do you avoid money To'Do's (money management, investment, income planning) because you don't want to be seen as a "money-motivated" person?

Do you have a fear of success —or of the person you would be if you were wealthy / successful / well-known?

Then tackle those fears and limiting beliefs one by one. If you fear power (or the person you would turn into if you were powerful) write a code of ethics for your future powerful self. If you avoid bills and the monthly tracking of your spending, use a budgeting tool to keep you happy and on track all month. If you fear being seen as "money-motivated" and that's keeping you from planning, managing or investing your money, get a coach to support you in working through those self-sabotaging behaviors.

Some of these fears and fear-based actions were picked up from your formative years. Until you face those fears and challenge the beliefs, they'll continue to haunt you (and sabotage your business success).

6 :: Give Back

As a recovering Southern Baptist, I learned at an early age that tithing is what one does. 10% right off the top, given back to God. I watched my parents faithfully tithe 10% even when we had very little. I remember being worried about how we were going to buy groceries and wondering why God needed our money. (Especially since Heaven's gates were made of pearl and the streets were paved in gold. But I digress.)

I also remember envelopes of cash in our mailbox just when we needed it most.

I didn't tithe for a long time because I moved away from a religious community at 15. Instead of tithing to a religious organization, I now practice the dana of generosity and give 10% of my income back to my community. I prefer to give to people in my immediate community rather than organizations —and I give to those who need nourishment and to those who've nourished me spiritually. I would never tell you what to do with your money, but I'll share my personal belief: abundance is already our birthright. When we practice generosity, we recognize this universal principle of abundance. Money is merely one aspect of the abundance we already embody. Tithing is a practice of recognizing that abundance and giving it back in a way that honors your own spiritual practice.

Did I miss anything? Share your best energy-balancing tips in the comments below! xo,


This post is part of the Brave Blogging project, hosted by the delightful folks over at Makeness Media. Read more brave blogs by searching #braveblogging on all social channels.

Kick the Productivity Addiction to Prevent Burnout

Productivity has an essential place in the world.

But in a culture as obsessed with check-offables and massive To-Do lists, productivity is becoming (dare I say) an addiction.

Letting go of the habit of overachieving is (still) my biggest personal and professional challenge. For many years, I wore the cloak of my industrious super power like a mantel of personal protection. Instead of questioning the need to keep going, to work harder, to be the best, I kept going, I worked harder, I pushed myself to be the best. I never stopped long enough to question for whom I was producing, or why I was achieving, or what happened after I achieved it. I became my own worst enemy —and my own nightmarish boss. I have pushed myself to exhaustion, overwhelm and physical breakdown more than once. Chronic conditions — health issues that have plagued me from childhood —crop up when I push past my energy limits. The body always knows when to say no.

Can you relate?

Recovering from burnout is one thing —preventing burnout is another story entirely.

I believe life gives us the lessons we need to learn in order to grow. To prevent burnout, I needed to learn the lesson of efficiency and ease: and to learn that lesson, I had to let go of my productivity addiction.

I had the opportunity to let go of my obsession to productivity when I recently lost a principal member of my team. I took a hard look at the responsibilities now resting squarely in my lap (again). After a year of delegating, streamlining and strategizing in my business(es), I felt like I was back to square one. In reality, the situation wasn’t nearly that dramatic. I was able to outsource some tasks and fit others into my weekly schedule with ease. I did have to revisit my annual intentions, now absent a significant support source.

Two significant revelations came during this process, however: first, many of the things I’d been doing (or outsourcing) no longer served my business but I was sticking with them out of my own un-investigated expectations of “good business.” Next, I was holding on to a belief that my productivity defined my worth.

I re-evaluated my responsibilities then I let some things go (my desire to be part of the conversation on every social platform), pared back on others (newsletter mailings are now less frequent) and streamlined others (chunked writing tasks into one day and changed blog schedule).

Quitting the productivity addiction looked a lot like pausing to retire or revision certain elements of my business in service to continued growth.

So far, so good. The growth process unfolds over time and you may have noticed some of those internal shifts over the last couple months. You will continue to observe blossoming as the transformation unfolds, but it’s my hope that you’ll still be around for the Big Reveal.

In the meantime and as always, I’m committed to elevating, empowering, educating women in bringing more flourishing to business and life. 

Beginning with these powerful questions for times of transition of your own: whether you're quitting the productivity addiction, recovering from burnout or tackling overwhelm through strategic focus.

Answer these for more alignment and ease in business and in life:

:: Is your business reflecting your soul’s work?

My soul’s work is to use my life as a light for others: bringing order and harmony into daily living, seeing the magical in the mundane, and empowering other women to find that for themselves. Everything that didn’t fit that vision in my own business got sliced.

What is your unique work in the world? Once you find that, everything that can go, does go. If you're still working another job, or building your business on the side, remain hyper-focused on the actions to truly leverage your success. No chasing butterflies —unless you’re also a lepidopterist…in which case, happy chasing! :)

:: What do you want your soul’s work to represent in the world?

I wanted more richness, radiance, and depth in my work with women; more insight and inspiration in my work.

Do you want your work to represent something larger than you? Your work is meaningful —and the world needs it! Identify the shifts —internal and external—that need to accompany growth and long-term expansion. Maybe you need to strengthen your focus in service to long-term success. Perhaps you need an outside eye on your business (and big business vision) and some insight on next steps. Be honest about your needs and find the support necessary to catapult you to the next level.

:: What do you want less of (in life and business)?

This list should come easily!  

:: What do you want more of (in life and business)?

No censoring. Name it to claim it.

:: What elements of business (or life) need to shift for you to do more of your soul’s work?

Here's when the magical meets the practical. Be realistic and radiant.

:: What are you afraid of?

Fear factor dump list. Write them all down. Every fear. Worst-case scenario bonanza.

:: What are you really afraid of?

Deep down, as you wrote that list, you discovered THIS ….This is the root reason behind the above fear(s). Dig deep.

:: What is the antidote to that specific fear?

Is it …courage? connection? self-love? acknowledging your own wisdom?

How will you need to believe or behave differently to challenge this fear?

Sometimes, you need to change how you are approaching an aspect of your business: social media, for example. Social media represented a huge challenge for me because it felt misaligned with my yoga ethics; however, when I emphasized a sacred approach to social media emphasizing connection, empowerment and education, I was able to take my marketing (and my business growth) to the next level. Also: engaging on social media became easier and more enjoyable. Sweet bonus!

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The M Word | Make Money in Your Mindful Business



I admit that in the past, I was put off by certain business coaches because their brands were way more money-focused than heart-centered. If you're feeling that way because I brought up the M word, I invite you to take a deep breath and recognize this simple truth: if your business isn't making money, your work is not reaching the right people.

You didn't set out to inspire at your expense, did you you?

Let's face it: our business needs to earn money. If our business is not earning enough, it becomes a costly, time-intensive hobby.

In other words, a serious energy drain.

If you're joining us from the Finding Flow challenge, we recently talked about how to keep the money energy flowing—the right way—in our business.

Hint: it all starts with energy management.

Part of managing our energy is being able to rest easy knowing that we are being appropriately compensated for all of the time and energy we are expending. But it's more common than not in the purpose-fueled business world to overwork and under-earn.

We have to take care of ourselves—especially if our work in the world is to give to others.

The most straight forward way of figuring out just how much we need to be making in order to merit this kind of energy investment is the financial ease formula.

Oh yes, the Financial Ease Formula

Financial Ease = the dollar amount you / your business need to earn in order to spend appropriately, get out of debt, save at least 10% or more annually and live your Ideal Life

Here's what it looks like...

*Financial Ease = the dollar amount you / your business need to earn in order to spend appropriately, get out of debt, save / invest / donate enough annually and live your Ideal Life

  • What are your estimated monthly business expenses?  ->> find that and multiply by 12

  • How much would you like to pay yourself / earn in salary each month? ->> discover that and multiply by 12

  • How much would you like to save / invest / donate each month? ->> discover that amount and multiply by 12

  • What profit margin would you like to see each year? ->> if you don't know, choose a healthy percentage :)

  • How much do you want to set aside for vacation, time off or other large expenditures (including getting out of debt)? ->> decide on that then add it to the above figures

So, now what?

These are the actions that I assigned to the Finding Flow group last week:

  1. Define your financial ease amount.

  2. Take a look at your business financials, including profit and loss (income and expenses).

More money and more meaning in your purpose-driven work? Yes, please.

Let's keep the conversation on money going.

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Redefine Success

What is your definition of success?

I’m obsessed with this question.

Success is a loaded word, with different meanings to different people. 

What cultural messages are you receiving about “being successful”?

What have you been taught about success?

What are your beliefs about success?

Have you considered defining success for yourself: in life and in business?

How you define success is an extension of your beliefs and values.

Defining success on your own terms is essential to building a meaningful business: one that is founded on your purpose and provides you the lifestyle you desire.

Here are some definitions of success:

 \\ Success is a realization. Intentional? Karmic? Divine? (You decide.)

\\ Success is the result of hard work.

\\ Success is the natural counterpoint to failure.  

\\ Success is equivalent to freedom: financial and otherwise.

\\ Success is an expression of our meaningful work in the world.

\\ Success is the outer manifestation of a life well-lived.

Uniting the inner and the outer elements of success is what I call sacred success.

Sacred success is ultimately about harmony of inner and outer: alignment at all levels.

  • Inner conditions and qualities like state of mind, beliefs, core values, aligning actions with intentions, committing to an inner experience that fuels specific outer expressions.

  • Outer conditions and qualities like arranging our life around our values, remaining productive with our time and harmonizing the outer energy (money, time, business vision/ goals) with our inner intentions.

In a counter-intuitive shift, creating a personalized definition of success in this way, becomes less about us individually and more about claiming our rightful place in the world.

I Invite you to take a moment to tune out cultural messages and tune in to your own inner wisdom —in service to redefining success on your own terms.

If you're in business now—or heading into business —define success on your own terms.

Success may (or may not) be X amount of money each year, or being internet-famous, or having a maxed out coaching practice.

Dare I say: until you define sacred success for yourself—you're still stuck on the hamster wheel of turning your purpose driven business into a J-O-B.

And because this single exercise alone could make the difference between building a sustainable business you love and financial (emotional, physical) suffering — I'm adding an incentive.

Answer the powerful question below and share it with me on Instagram — tag @thekellieadkins and use hashtag #SacredStrategy. I'm giving away 3 Sacred Strategy sessions —to help you align with your sacred definition of a successful business —and you could win one!

*not on Instagram (gasp!)? Hit me up on Facebook instead.

Powerful Question:

\\ What is your personal definition of success: in business and in life?

Prompt: What does it mean for you to be successful? Is it related to .... 

(check all that apply and give details) ...

  • an amount of money in the bank?

  • an impact in the world?

  • a feeling in your heart?

  • a state of being?

  • outer aspects like house / car / possessions / lifestyle / travel / fame or recognition?

  • inner aspects like freedom / choice / time / healing / fulfillment?

Go ahead, put it out into the world. Head on over to Instagram and tell me your success story.

8 Reasons You Aren't (Already) Making Money Teaching Private Yoga Sessions + Action Steps

This blog post is one in a series of the #yogateachertour, a blog tour for yoga teachers looking to up-level their impact by teaching one-on-one private yoga sessions and creating a sustainable business around, powerful individual work. There are a number of awesome yoga experts contributing to the tour over the course of the month. Be sure to check out Kate Connell's post on the top five mistakes (and strategies to avoid them) she made when she started teaching private yoga. And check out tomorrow's post by Erin Aquin, too. Want to get all the #yogateachertour love? Follow along on social media using the hashtag #yogateachertour and get access to all of the insights and a-ha moments here.

8 Reasons You Aren't (Already) Making Money Teaching Private Yoga Sessions

Today I really want to start with the reasons you're not already making money teaching private yoga sessions. (The #1 reason is not what you think).

Before I tell you the #1 reason, I want to let you know that I completely understand how tough it is to ask for a fair wage, how hard it is to find clients for one-on-one sessions, and how difficult it is to teach skillful private yoga sessions. It is difficult to get established as a private yoga teacher.

But listen up, sister (or brother) in yoga. That's NOT why you're not making money teaching private yoga sessions.

You ready for the Honesty Pill? (grab a sip of water - the #1 reason is hard to swallow)

You're not making money teaching private yoga sessions because ....

1 // You aren't inviting people to work with you in private sessions

Yep, that's right: YOU aren't asking for the sale! Instead of being pro-active and approaching your would-be Dream Clients, you're waiting around, hoping the dedicated attendees in your weekly group class will come flocking up to you and asking about this valuable service you offer.

Here's the thing: it's your responsibility to share your services. No one wants to be a “best-kept secret” in business.

Here's the thing: you could keep getting more training (and you really should, if you aren't solid in your anatomy or if you're teaching skills could use some polishing. See #2). Or, you could take the lead. You could help people (i.e., your Dream Clients) understand what a one-on-one yoga session (or 10-pack) can ACTUALLY do for their practice / their sleep quality / their health / their handstand.

Because just like the rest of the human race, your Dream Clients know what they want...NOT what they need. It's up to you to take the lead and connect the dots between what they want (see #3 to figure out what they want) with what they need: one-on-one attention and the support to lovingly challenge, nurture and guide the evolution of their practice.

You (and your awesome private yoga sessions) are the solution your Dream Clients are seeking. When you realize that, everything you do comes from a place of generosity and service. When you realize that, it's 100% easier to follow up their compliment on your most recent group class with a "Have you ever considered a one-on-one session to help you [insert the #1 thing they want]?"

It is up to you to connect the dots between their biggest desire (or frustration) and your services. Then, understand that you are coming from a place of service. Finally, take the lead! Invite them to work with you one-on-one....then make the sale (see below). That's the missing link between your marketing efforts and actually making money teaching private yoga.

What to do:

Take the lead. The next time a student comes up after class and drops a "that was such an amazing class!" or "I just want you to know that I sleep so well after your class!" or "I just gotta tell you that your class has helped my insomina" or "OMGosh, I am so inspired by your sexy biceps / rocking handstand!," suggest that a one-on-one session is the best way to get some serious leverage (and long-lasting) results in their yoga practice. Let them know that you practice [insert # of times you practice a week] to [insert what it is that they commented/complimented you on] and that with a one-on-one session, they too can [insert outcome they care about: feel more balanced / feel better in their body / see big changes in their practice].

You must get over your fear and ask for the sale, already!  You need to be the leader. YOU are the expert on yoga - not your students (unless they are. See #4). Your potential students started yoga for a reason: knowing what they want and how you (and YOGA) can help them get it, is the key to filling your private client list. And your bank account.

Simple Script to invite the client to work with you. [feel free to make this your own!]

Dream Client: I just want to let you know that the only night I sleep well is Tuesdays, right after your amazing Restorative class.

You: I'm so happy to hear that! Did you know Restorative yoga can help calm the nervous system and regularize your sleeping patterns? I'd love to work with you one-on-one to help you sleep better - more than once a week!

Dream Client: What, like a private session? I didn't know you offered that.

You: I sure do and I'd love to work with you. You’d learn simple practices to help you rest better all week long. My next available opening is [insert next time] and I offer a new student special of [insert new student incentive or package rate: such as 4 sessions for $375]. I offer incentives for payment up front or we can figure out a payment plan that works for you!

I know stating a session time and a price may feel disconcerting for you, dear private yoga teacher. Remember to focus on the value the client will receive: in the above example, it's the result of the session they are actually paying for (i.e., the more restful sleep). People pay for what they value.

P.S. Inevitably, some people (even your Dream Clients) will have objections. That’s OK! Listen, ask questions, and discover —and don’t be aftraid to follow up.

2 // You don't know how to identify your Dream Client

In fact, you might even think your Dream Client is "someone who does yoga or maybe wants to do yoga."

Repeat after me: "I can serve anyone, but I can't serve everyone."

One size fits all marketing will not work (example: Feel better with yoga! Come to my class!). You will reach no-one. Conversely, limiting your message by honing in on a specific target market will actually expand your reach (Example: Are you struggling to balance your energy and tired of feeling tired? Join me for Restorative Yoga for Women's Health - a gentle class designed to harmonize feminine energy and expand your  inner and outer resources).

What to do:

You must understand who you want to work with and why YOU are the perfect-for-them teacher. In other words, you have to niche down to expand out. If you're struggling to find clients, chances are your marketing is too general. Take some time to figure out WHY you do what you do (Why do you teach yoga?), WHAT is it that you have to share (What is it that you really teach?), WHO you really love to work with (Who is your perfect client?) and HOW you do it differently (How are you / your classes special?).

YogaPro Tip: Completing this process will help you solve the "I don't know where to find private clients" conundrum.

3 // You don't know what your Dream Client wants or needs

It's not enough to know who your Dream Client is. You have to figure out their biggest problem, deepest desire or biggest need: then YOU have to create a solution.

What to do:

Once you figure out who your Dream Clients are, brainstorm their biggest needs and wants like the examples below:

Dream Client: New moms

Needs/wants: Better sleep, time for self-care, feeling nurtured, getting 'back to their body,' feeling desirable again

Dream Client: Middle-aged athletes

Needs/wants: more energy, better flexibility to strength ratio, anti-aging/restorative practices, appropriate cross-training to avoid injury

YogaPro Tip:Then - create a service, package or series class to address those needs/wants.

4 // You don't feel confident or qualified enough to teach private yoga

First, I hear you. Totally. But if you were fortunate enough to attend a quality training that emphasized the skills difference for private yoga sessions vs. group sessions, and you've had a bit of practice teaching (50 hours or so), then you are probably ready. (Big ole' caveat: if you can't tell your humerus from your gastrocnemius, if you have no clue of yoga contraindications or if you are unable to teach a class without performing every posture, too ... then you are NOT ready. Please get some additional training so you will avoid injuring your clients -and yourself.)

What to do:

Competence breeds confidence. Master your skills by hiring a private yoga teacher mentor ) to help you refine the differences between teaching one-on-one and group sessions. Get focused training in therapeutic yoga and yoga therapy. Figure out who you want to work with, what it is they need and how you can use your skills, strengths and training to provide it.

5 // Your chaotic schedule is inhibiting profit from your one-on-one work

In the service-based industry, the hard truth is that you don't get paid for non-client contact hours. Which means that if you want to earn a good living teaching yoga, your rates need to reflect the hours you spend doing administrative tasks (each new client brings an amount of admin work), transition time (the time between clients and/or the time spent traveling from location to location), and promotion/ marketingtime and costs. If you are offering whenever/wherever private yoga sessions, you will quickly burnout and may actually see diminishing returns from your one-on-one work.

What to do:

Create the space in your schedule for one-on-one work. Choose 1-3 days and time chunks on each of those days for your work with one-on-one clients. Then, when you invite clients to work with you, offer them a choice within those time chunks. Book clients as close to back-to-back as possible (allow 15 minutes between session if you are using a designated space) then FILL THOSE SLOTS FIRST. Once you fill your 1-3 days, begin to branch out.

How do you do that? Check out this sample script:

"Ok, [Client name], based on your intake form responses, your goals for yoga practice and the initial session, I suggest we work together [insert #of times per month] for [insert length of time].

I'm confident that you'll see [insert the outcome that you feel is appropriate -this is related to Client's goals and needs for yoga] with regular sessions over a period of [insert length of time].

I offer private yoga on [insert days of week and time range] and can get you on my calendar as early as [insert your next available date]. Which is better for you: [GIVE 2 OPTIONS: insert DAY of week and TIME of day]?"

Yoga Pro Tip: If the client then asks for another time, consider how that will affect your transition time. Then decide if you want to offer it.

6 // You're undercharging

A number of factors go into setting rates and deciding how much to charge per session varies yoga teacher to yoga teacher. That said, there are some general things to consider. There is an art and a science to pricing strategy but the most important thing to remember is that undercharging for a private yoga session does a huge disservice to yourself, to your clients and to your brother and sister teachers. Undercharging for a premium service actually harms our industry.

What to do:

First, you must remember to factor in your transition time and non-billable hours (#5). Then, consider what other services your Dream Client is already paying for (massage? personal training? acupuncture?). Next, take a hard look at your own finances and schedule: how many hours do you have to devote to private yoga and how much do you need to earn to remain in financial ease? Finally, consider what other teachers (of your caliber and experience) are charging.

This process can actually be FUN when you embrace it as a challenge!

7 // You don't know how to deal with your Dream Client's objections

So you've done the work of setting your rates (not an easy feat) and you've connected with a Dream Client and pitched them your services. Woo-hoo! But we've all been there: you quote a rate for a one-on-one session and your Dream Client gasps and immediately says "I can't afford that" (or some variation on the theme). Panic and shame rise in your chest and the following thoughts rapid-fire through your brain: maybe I AM charging too much! Why do I think I deserve that? Yoga is service! I should discount the session. No - I should give it away for free!.

The problem isn't your pricing. As long as you are charging a reasonable rate for a one-on-one session (more on that later) then the problem isn't your price: it's the potential client's reaction to the price and your response (or lack thereof). Many people don't understand the level of skill, support and attention they will receive with a one-on-one session. When you quote them a fair wage (between $75-$150), they are comparing the cost of a generic, one-size-fits-all group class ($15 or $20?) to a person-centered, customized, high-level service. It's apples and oranges. And it is up to you, dear private yoga teacher, to educate them about the difference.

What to do:

Anticipate their response. This starts by YOU showing them the value of one-on-one work. How do you do that? Make the connection between what they want and need...and what you are offering! Value is a perception, not a fixed quality. People value what is important to them - and what is most important to your Dream Client is having their needs met, getting their problems solved and seeing their desires actualized. Once you take the lead and connect the dots for them, voilà! 

Before you can do any of this, however, you need to be clear on your Dream Client. And you need to become proficient at showing the value of your work. If you aren't clear on What you do, Why you do it, Who you serve and How you do it differently than every other yoga teacher in the universe, then let’s talk.

8 // You don't want to work with people one-on-one

Maybe it's a bit obvious but not everyone WANTS to be a private yoga teacher. Even though it's a fast track to more financial ease as a yoga teacher, that doesn't mean it's the only way! There are so many ways to share yoga and yes, teaching private yoga sessions is one way to add 5 figures to your bottom line this year, but there are so many other options. If you don't know how you like to work with people, do some inner work to get clear.

The point is, if you aren't filled with delight at the prospect of working with clients privately, DON'T DO IT. There are so many other ways to 'make it' in the yoga business and you have precious gifts to share with the world. Don't waste another second doing something (or trying to do something) you don't enjoy.

What to do:

Figure out how you really enjoying working with people!

Do you like working with small groups over a short period of time? Offer a mini-course or a series class - charge a higher rate, have a clear late cancel/attendance/refund policy and require pre-payment. Offer it once per quarter or build it out into a membership-style offering.

Do you like working with people who want a deeper experience of the practice? Offer philosophy / Ayurveda / lifestyle / "Deepen your Practice" Intensives. Charge a higher rate than a workshop or group class and follow up the Intensive with audio / video / print resources.

Do you enjoy teaching or supporting other yoga teachers? Offer an apprenticeship (live, one-on-one - like "job shadowing") or a mentorship (can be virtual, via Skype or phone) program workshop for other yoga teachers.

Yoga Pro Tip: It pays to build the right business for you. Teaching private yoga isn't the only way to boost your income as a Yoga Teacher —it's one of many.

So, did I miss anything? Talk back in the comments below!