Redefine Success

What is your definition of success?

I’m obsessed with this question.

Success is a loaded word, with different meanings to different people. 

What cultural messages are you receiving about “being successful”?

What have you been taught about success?

What are your beliefs about success?

Have you considered defining success for yourself: in life and in business?

How you define success is an extension of your beliefs and values.

Defining success on your own terms is essential to building a meaningful business: one that is founded on your purpose and provides you the lifestyle you desire.

Here are some definitions of success:

 \\ Success is a realization. Intentional? Karmic? Divine? (You decide.)

\\ Success is the result of hard work.

\\ Success is the natural counterpoint to failure.  

\\ Success is equivalent to freedom: financial and otherwise.

\\ Success is an expression of our meaningful work in the world.

\\ Success is the outer manifestation of a life well-lived.

Uniting the inner and the outer elements of success is what I call sacred success.

Sacred success is ultimately about harmony of inner and outer: alignment at all levels.

  • Inner conditions and qualities like state of mind, beliefs, core values, aligning actions with intentions, committing to an inner experience that fuels specific outer expressions.

  • Outer conditions and qualities like arranging our life around our values, remaining productive with our time and harmonizing the outer energy (money, time, business vision/ goals) with our inner intentions.

In a counter-intuitive shift, creating a personalized definition of success in this way, becomes less about us individually and more about claiming our rightful place in the world.

I Invite you to take a moment to tune out cultural messages and tune in to your own inner wisdom —in service to redefining success on your own terms.

If you're in business now—or heading into business —define success on your own terms.

Success may (or may not) be X amount of money each year, or being internet-famous, or having a maxed out coaching practice.

Dare I say: until you define sacred success for yourself—you're still stuck on the hamster wheel of turning your purpose driven business into a J-O-B.

And because this single exercise alone could make the difference between building a sustainable business you love and financial (emotional, physical) suffering — I'm adding an incentive.

Answer the powerful question below and share it with me on Instagram — tag @thekellieadkins and use hashtag #SacredStrategy. I'm giving away 3 Sacred Strategy sessions —to help you align with your sacred definition of a successful business —and you could win one!

*not on Instagram (gasp!)? Hit me up on Facebook instead.

Powerful Question:

\\ What is your personal definition of success: in business and in life?

Prompt: What does it mean for you to be successful? Is it related to .... 

(check all that apply and give details) ...

  • an amount of money in the bank?

  • an impact in the world?

  • a feeling in your heart?

  • a state of being?

  • outer aspects like house / car / possessions / lifestyle / travel / fame or recognition?

  • inner aspects like freedom / choice / time / healing / fulfillment?

Go ahead, put it out into the world. Head on over to Instagram and tell me your success story.


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