Feeling Stuck in your business? Rewind to your why!
Are you feeling overwhelmed by all the noise on the internet …
about entrepreneurship, about business, about upleveling, and about marketing to the masses?
It’s difficult to find values-centric business support, especially as you grow into the next phase of your business.
Growing a business takes diligence and focus: there is so much to do and an overwhelming amount of information designed to support you. But sometimes the business of business overwhelms you, then analysis paralysis sets in, then you wonder why you are in business at all!
Breathe with me … inhale deeply….
And exhale.
Let’s get back to the dream you had about starting your own business —- the awareness that you have something wonderful to share with the world and your clients and that it was time to start a business that would allow you to do just that.
Find a tool or a few tools to help you remember why you started doing what you’re doing and create something that will help remind you about this on a daily basis because when things get hard - and they will - you’ll need something in your physical space that will signify the importance of what you’re doing.
Not every tool will work for everybody - some people love writing, listening, talking, moving, journaling, meditating - find the tool that will work for you. Some type of activity that you can do that will help you get back to why you started your business.
Here are a few to try:
1. Vision Boarding
Did you create a vision board when you started? If so, dig that out, does it still resonate with you? If it doesn’t, change it. If it does, take some time to breathe and honor the work that you put in to create that board and get back to those feelings that you felt as you were doing that work - the excitement of dreaming.
If you are creating a new one, hop over to Pinterest and pin to your heart’s conecnt. Or, go old school and cut out images from your favorite magazines. Need another suggestion? Try this online tool like fotor where you can drag and drop on to a board to create your collage.
It’s important to take action after creating the vision board - the action of placing it in an area that you’ll see every single day. Your office wall, your refrigerator, your screen saver, your phone background.
2. Mantras
Using a daily mantra helps to program your brain on a subconscious level to bring abundance into your life and bring you closer to your why. Saying mantras out loud allows the universe to hear and feel your energy vibrations and start working in magical ways to bring you abundance. Remember everything that you say after “I am …” is true. Coming from a heart full of gratitude will allow you to receive abundance easily. Create your own matras or repeat the below mantras on a daily basis:
My purpose is clear, I am on the correct path.
I am open to receive abundance.
@@My purpose is clear, I am on the correct path. #womeninbusiness @@
3. Gratitude Journaling
Think about your favorite client or that activity in your business that feels like you’re in the zone. You know that activity where it seems that time stands still, your face gets a little flushed, you can feel that you are making a difference in the universe. That space … that feeling … write about that.
This is forcing your mind to focus on the positive things and brings about positive energy. Too often when we are feeling stuck and resistance we gravitate towards a negative mindset and by focusing on things that are working or going right in our lives and business (even small things) really helps move you into a positive and pro-active mindset. Changing our mindset which is what we are doing is going to help bring about more positivity and clarity into our lives.
4. Reminisce with a friend
If processing things out loud with someone helps, have tea with a friend and ask if you could talk about why you started your business. Having those words come out of your mouth about your why can help you get back to that feeling you had as you were starting out. When reminiscing about this with a friend, staying in that space - give no energy or attention to all of the outside noises and all of your to do’s. Just talk about why you’re doing what you’re doing. It may help to record this, listen to it later and pick out a few key words or phrases that you say and put use them as your screensaver, or create a picture with the words - put it someplace visible to have instant, visible reminders about your Why!
These are just a few tools to help you rewind to your why.
What is your favorite way to get unstuck? Share some – others may need some help to get unstuck – your experience could help someone else!