Create the BEST value package - follow these simple steps!
Regardless of how long you’ve worked in the healing and helping arts, at some point, you will hit a wall.
The kind of wall that slams you in the face when you realize you’ve got yourself in a bit of a pickle and can’t earn any more money as you are fully booked doing one-on-one sessions. You have maxed out your work hours and against your better judgment have started booking clients into family time. No more time to trade for dollars!
If this is you then – congratulations!
Why you may ask? Well for one thing it shows me that you are in hot demand because your magic is being recognized by your tribe AND you are absolutely ready to start offering you’re A Grade clients an upgrade.
A chance for these particular clients to have an even better and more valuable experience with you —in a premium, package offering.
It is absolutely EXCITING to create a package that is filled to the brim with value for this perfect-fit client AND that allows you to leverage your time, energy and experience in new ways.
So why wait until you’re choking on the energy of your client’s needs?
Why not begin now by structuring your business to include a natural next step for the client ready to for more growth, healing and transformation?
When you consider the value you are able to deliver to a particular client —one who is ready for big change, big goals, or deep healing — crafting a sure-to-amaze package they can easily say yes to becomes a joy. Because exchanging their investment for a set of values and results (rather than the time you spend with them) is a win-win for both of you.
To begin, ask: what can I bring into my client’s world that will help them on their journey (that doesn’t necessarily equate to hand-holding, time-for-dollars energy exchange)?
From eCourses, Books, Podcasts, Community Access, digital programs, and collaborative offers from sister businesses and more – there are many ways you can build value into your package (and with each additional feature increases their investment) that doesn’t take you any more time or energy to deliver. In fact, more often than not it actually forces you to create a better product that defines you in the market, sets you apart from similar service providers and supports your clients who like to learn in different ways.
What if we take it up a notch?
Think about the actual time you spend with each client one on one that take up a package – it might only be an hour a week, BUT what if you could leverage that time and support 4 clients during the hour in a focused group experience? You could spend that time answering common questions, offering group guidance and delivering valuable wisdom to benefit the group.
The beauty of an offer like this is that it only takes one hour of your own personal time to support 4 (or more) amazing clients. It’s also a smart way of boosting your income and your impact while still staying true to your own values of transforming your client’s lives.
Now before I lose you completely, let me assure you that one-to-one support is always a great idea! In fact, it’s one of the most effective ways to expand your influence and your income when you’re first starting out or when you are in the growth phase —especially if you focus on results-oriented individual packages that provide a high level of support. You and I both know that most people get the most results and traction when they have you guiding them personally. However, that premium one-to-one offer should be your most valuable product with a corresponding investment. It takes the most energy from you so should have the biggest monetary energy exchange.
Regardless of where you are in your journey, are you ready to give more, earn more, working less hours so you can concentrate on creating more magic?